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                   E M B R Y                               - chapter one: Leonard and Sheldon

           A year. A year, I've been in this 'i'm better than everyone' school for a year and everyone still treats me like I'm a plague and will kill you if they talk to me. The same disgusted stares, the same quiet judging, and the same goddamn horrible treatment. Literally nothing has changed between the first time I walked in here and now, and it pisses me off that they haven't gotten 'use' to me yet. Not that it really matters I couldn't care less if these money sucking, fake ass asses, filled lips that take half their faces baboons accepted me or not, I really couldn't. I don't need they're snotty options about me that consist of the words 'like, literally, and totally' after every word. I don't care if the guys think I'm hot, or the girls like I'm pretty, it's just high school. It's the same thing for every other high school out there, they won't matter after I graduate. But it would be nice if they just wouldn't treat me like a outcast. 

But despite of this being the knock of Chilton Preparatory, I have made friends, two actually. I know, I'm on fire. Hayden and Ricky have been gods from this hellhole, they have been by my side almost since day one, it took them a couple days to get the strength to talk to me but I would see them looking at me every time I ate lunch by myself. But they have truly taught me the ropes of the school, like where to sit at lunch and where not to, who you can talk to and who you can't, what teacher is a pervert and what teacher will have a mental break down if you mention a certain name. They have been going to this school since the 7th grade, which is where this school begins. And have been friends even before that, they are like the real life Leonard Hofstadlter and Sheldon Cooper. Hayden is like super smart, too smart for his own good, he's is all AP classes and skipped the 8th grade, but is the same age because his birthday was after the cut off. Ricky is smart but not compared to Hayden, he's in AP classes but not nearly as smart as Hayden is, and Hayden doesn't waste anytime to rub it in his face. They truly are best friends, and don't waste anytime proving how smart they are to me (who isn't in all AP classes, unlike the Einstein twins over there). 

We are currently sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch at the back table by the open windows, which is stupid because it's literally the middle of winter, but apparently that doesn't matter to my school. Here's the thing about Hayden, he likes to complain, like 24/7. It's kinda like his trademark, nothing is ever good enough for Mister. Hayden Marks, no shocker there. So when the window is open it's asking for the whole lunch to be a rant for him. So that's what he's doing, ranting while flinging his fries around. " Hayden, I sweat to god if you let that fry go and it goes in my hair I will personally murder you" I sneered, eyeing the fry in his hand that's going in every direction. He stopped his rant and looked at my like I just kicked a puppy, he then stared at his fry and rolled his eyes, " God" he dragged out in a whiny tone, " Jeez, Embry you're such a girl sometimes" he deadpanned, while continuing his rant, not talking to anyone specifically. I looked over a Ricky in shock that he just said that. His face held amusement and it was obvious he was trying to hold in his laughter. " Hayden, I am a girl" I stated, slowing it out for him, for someone so smart he's pretty stupid sometimes. His head shot to mine, tracing back what he had said prior before. His eyes widen a little, " oh yeah" he chuckled, " sometime I forget that you are" he said, shoving a fry in his mouth, while poking Ricky in the arm to annoy him. " oh, wow thank you" I said sarcastically throwing a handful of chips at him. Ricky laughed, before slapping Hayden's hand away sending him a warning glare, " did you guys here about the party on Friday" Ricky asked, punching Hayden in the arm when he didn't start. I rolled my eyes at Ricky's question, that boy could find any party in a 50 mile radius, then make any excuse to go to it, he likes to party, and hard. 

Before I could answer, Brad Martin came up to our table and slid in next to Hayden, who looked like he was just shocked with a electrical cord. Here's the deal on Brad Martin, he's one to consider the 'popular' people in the school, he hangs out with the cheerleaders and other Jocks, he's at every party, every football game, and practically runs the school along side his two other friends, Cole Jacob and Waylon Huntley. Almost every girl in the school swoons over the trio, it's honestly embarrassing how they throw themselves at them, and it's obvious that they don't want them. Neither Cole or Waylon had random flings with girls, there is the one time thing but usually it's just the three of them, but for Brad he has a new girl every week but never anything serious. So...you can see why it's odd for him to talk to us never less sit with us, the outcasts. 

 " Hey guys" he greeted, flashing his charming smile, able to make anyone drop their pants for him. " Hey..." Ricky said, obviously reluctant for him being here, Ricky side-eyed me telling me to say something. " Hi" I mumbled, picking at the food on my plate, kicking Hayden, who still hasn't moved a muscle since Brad sat down. Hayden awkwardly waved at him, staring at me silently telling me to make him move but obviously that wasn't gonna happen. Brad stole a fry off Hayden's plate and plopping it in his mouth, he chuckled, " you guys are quiet" he said, smiling at me. I nodded, not knowing what else to do. " Well, I personally wanted to invite you guys to my party on Friday, it's my eighteenth and wanted you guys to be there" he said, pulling out his phone and showing us the info for the party, expecting us to copy it down. " Really?" Ricky asked, shocked he wanted us, because we're well losers, " you want us there". Brad nodded his head, chuckling, " Yeah I figured that Ricky always goes to parties, I've seen you at most, Hayden tags along with him, so I knew you guys would already come" he stated, before moving his gaze to me, looking me up and down, " I've never seen you there, so I just thought I would invite you. It would be fun you should come" he smirked, putting his phone away after Ricky typed everything in his phone. " Oh, uh I'm not sure" I stammered, playing with my fingers, " I usually don't do parties, my mom would freak" I said, not lying. My mother would go ape shit crazy if I went to a party but she would be too drunk off her ass to notice I was gone. " Just try, it would fun, and who knows maybe you'll even like it" he said, starting to get up from the table, " just think about it" he smiled, throwing me a wink before saying bye and strolling back to his table. 

I looked at Brad in shock at what he just did, not even just the wink but the invite and actually talking to us, nobody usually does unless their making fun of us. " Well" Ricky laughed, wrapping his arms around Hayden and I's shoulder pulling us to his sides, " looks like we're going to a party" he smiled, and I mentally groaned. Great.






heyyyyyyyyyy, so this is the first chapter of secret glances, I hope you guys like it, don't forget to vote and comment. I know these chapters are kinda boring and stuff but they do get better I promise, and I actually love The Big Bang Theory , so that's why there is a sheldon and leonard thing, hehe ;)

fun fact: Hayden was suppose to be a girl and be Ricky's girlfriend

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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