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A wise man once said: So i guess i've graduated from high school now.
(its me, im the wise man or woman in this case)

No doubt i will miss this place . I mean i did waste six good years of my life in here so why not. Don't get me wrong it wasn't as terrible as i thought it would be.It was definitely full of a lot of crap as well as the good stuff like my friends so i guess i'm grateful for that.

Im definitely going to live with all the memories i got from this place and i'm not just saying that because the name of my school is printed in bold on my certificate .

Anyway as much as i loved seeing people say their goodbyes and all, i really couldn't wait to leave all this and head home.

No i'm not anti social -well maybe but that's besides the point-  i just felt really tired of all the emotions saturating the air and not to mention my suit was really itch and these heels were causing some real evil on my feet. And we haven't even taken pictures yet ugghh

So when i spotted my parents by the stairs waiting for me i didn't hesitate to walk straight up to them.

"One big hurdle crossed off the bucket list" My dad said pulling me in for a hug " How does it feel?"

Was he expecting me to say something poetic?
"it's great i guess"

"Well you should feel good. A lot of people haven't achieved this you know" my mum chimes in. Ahh, what would i do without my parents awful timing?

"Where are the boys?" I ask trying to divert the topic."They went to check out the stands". I look towards the direction of the stands and sure enough, there they were walking in our direction holding up some cardboard cutout and snickering to each other.

"Hey Leeanne look,i got a free dartboard" Jesse announces holding up the huge cardboard cutout of my yearbook photo and glidng towards me, Devon steady in toll. Good to see that this school embarrasses us even till the last day. God knows how many people have seen this already.

"Give me that" I swipe the cutout from his hands. Atleast now no one will ever see it again.

"Okay, are you ready to leave?" my dad turns to me and asks. I think that question had more meaning to it but either way my answer is yes. As much as it was a cool ride, this place was not good for my mental health and still being here irks me. I'm so ready to leave.

"Yup, lets go" i say already two steps in front and headed for the car.

Good riddance to bad nonsense


So the next question is definately the obvious 'what next?'

Well in all honesty i have no idea.
I studied science in high school so you would think i had my life planned out when i picked it.


I will never understand why a bunch of  thirteen year olds who barely know what the pythagorean theorem is -which for the record you will never use in your life- should be made to pick courses that may define the rest of their lives.

Anyway thats what lead to my choice of science. You would think because i chose science i liked it or was maybe good at it ,right?


My best subjects were creative arts, french and bookkeeping. So why did I choose science you ask? Well i guess it was just some more of my dumbass decision making skills at work.

Im stuck with this anyhow so i had to make it work somehow if not i would be living in my dads garage living off acorns from the raccoons because im obviously not going to be fed from that house.

Which is why im going to college in the fall because i may be laid-back but one thing I don't want to be is a failure.

I actually want to be really successful like maybe i don't know Khloe Kardashian Level. I don't know a lot of successful people in sciences though except maybe Ben Carson but even he ended up in the white house.

Anyway i'm getting ahead of myself. I start school in late september so i guess i have august to think of my choices which are limited right now . I just hope this term goes well.

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I know this chapter is short and may not be so interesting but i'm just testing the waters to see if you guys like it before i post the rest. I also don't know the standard length for chapters ha ha. I mean ive read a lot of books on here but i never actually know how many words they contain so if you guys could let me know then thar would be great. That would be all for now.

Okay Bye,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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