Rouge mission

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(This chapter is fiction, so the history part is all made up. Like Start Gibbs did in Spy school book 3 when Erica said that the statue of liberty wasn't a monument and was a lookout tower. (It's all false, the french gave it to them, or did they?????)

1405 hours

October 7th

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport


The first thing I needed to do is find where Catherine, Cyrus, and Alexander were. I wished Mike and Zoe came with us, but if we went to get them, it would alert the police, and it would also tick off SPYDER and also alert the wood kids.

We didn't know much about the wood kids anyway.

Erica woke up when I was walking on foot towards the airport because there was a chance that Cyrus, Catherine, and Alexander flew somewhere. Did they betray us?

They were gone since the war had even started. Erica even didn't know where they went.

She woke up and let go of me.

Before Erica started to question why we were on the sidewalk, trying to go to the airport, I first told her everything, from the dream to Cyrus and their folks being missing. I also told her the file with the Russian language on it, just for evidence.

"What was written on the file?" Erica said concerned.

"It was something like форт тикондерога," I said. Although I couldn't pronounce the Russian words right.

"That's the definition of Fort Ticonderoga," Erica said.

"Maybe their hidden or captured there?" I suggested.
"Its a possibility," Erica said. "Although I don't think they're captured"

"Then how did Your great great great grandfather knew that this trophy could help your family?" I said.

"The trophy was awarded for Nathan Hale when He was 24 years old. After he was the first one to shoot a gun in the whole American revolution"

"He was the first person to shoot in the American Revolutionary war?" I said.

"Yeah, the shot heard around the world is a myth, my ancestor was the very first person in the war to first fire the gun at the British. That's why he was honored for the trophy, awarded by Geroge Washington himself"

"But why didn't your ancestor be in the history line?" I said. "After that, he was recruited to be a spy, so his information about the first shooting was kept secret," Erica said.

I gapped what I was hearing. Nathan Hale was the very first soldier to shoot at the British.

"So, that trophy brings good luck or something?"

"No, not really"

"Nathan Hale said this trophy can lead to Catherine, Cyrus, and Alexander, I wonder what they're doing"

"Before they left, they said they were gonna work on a project," Erica said. "And my grandfather never lie to me, so I think they really are there, but if your dream is true, then its true. If they disappeared, they disappeared"

I couldn't believe it. Erica was trusting me.

"But how do we find them?" I said.

"I don't know, but we first need to go to Fort Ticonderoga"

"What were they even working on?" I replied.

"I don't know, they only said some project. Then they left a week ago"

I then thought behind the events of the dream. Then remembered the phrase "There's more what meets the eye"

"So, were going to the fort?" I said.

"Sure, let's go, but we first have to change, our clothes look like savage"

I looked at my clothes. It was ripped and had blood over them.

So we went to the small mall in the airport and bought some clothes. Then we changed, and then we looked like normal teens. I wore a normal Nike shirt and shorts while Erica chooses blue jeans and a shirt.

"How do we take a flight when we have no money?" I said.

"Were gonna do the same trick with the distraction as last time"

I understood what she meant. In our last mission, we had used the "Distraction trick" to go inside the plane. So we did the same thing, except that I had to actidently push a woman who was carrying a big box. I was expecting something in there liquid.

The box fell, and then it dropped, opening cans and cans of Mountain dew bottles. It also started to spill some of it.

Erica hustled me into the plane. And we sat in our seats.
"My best prediction is that granddaddy and the others had to make a project, but then did something wrong and now their in danger" Erica said.

"I see" I replied understanding.

"So, Fort Tingoraga here we go" I said.


The flight took around 8 hours or so. At one point at night, Erica leaned on my shoulder. It was the most peaceful moment I had in this mission.

8 Hours Later...

Destination: Essex County

Erica POV

I woke up and relized I have been leaning on Bens shoulder. I sort of blushed but passed through.

"Essex County is in your right" The co-pilot said in the speakers. "Drop down in five minutes"

We soon dropped down in the airport and hopped off. It was really dark. I checked my watch, but wasn't there. I had lost it when the enemy started to check if I had any weapons. They took my watch just in case, which they were lucky because there was a built-in smoke bomb system into it.

I also was forgetting stuff becuase of the big blast caused in the explosion. Although it was only temporary.

We knew having a mission when we were tired was bad, so we decided that we should eat dinner, then start the rogue mission at 0300 hours, which was a good time to infilterate the Fort.

Fort Ticonderoga was one of the Bristish forts used in the American Revolution. t was soon captured by the green mountain boys and Benedict Arnold.

But first we needed food.

So I pickpocketed.

I was relatively really good at pickpocketing. I stole a credit card from a rich man in less than a minute. Don't ask me how I did it, its Classified.

We soon went to chick-fl-a. I bought a salad while Ben bought some chickens.

We sat in the table and started to eat.

"So, tell me more about the trophy" Ben said.

"The things that I told you is all I know" I replied.

"But there has to be more about this trophy, Nathan said that 'Something far more meets the eye,' what do you think it means"
"I don't know" I replied curiously.

Ben then took out the trophy.

He examined it. Then looked. closer. The center peice was shaped like a cube. That was strange.

Ben then suddenly found something more stranger.

"Theres something written in the stand of the trophy!" He said.

Then, there was a big knock on the door.


The FBI had come.

We were in trouble.

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