Chapter 34:

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(Non edited. Sorry!)

Monday morning, I wake up to my alarm and I just groan in response. I forgot I have a job now. 

Do I? I spent days in rehab without calling them to let they know what happened.. I'm pretty sure I must be fired now. 

As I sit up on the bed, I feel Kyle's hand reaching for me and they rub against the skin of my bare hip.

"Morning" he mumbles. "Why are you up so early?" 

"Work" I simply say, and I turn around to look at him. He has his eyes wide open now and he doesn't have any reaction at all. He's just staring at me. "What's wrong"? I ask him and he shakes his head as if he was saying nevermind. "Too early for this" I mumble to myself, getting up and heading to the shower. 

After the shower, I dress up and walk into the kitchen to pour myself a bowl of cereal, since useless asshole Kyle still have his ass in bed. I grab my phone and I notice something weird about it. All the text messages and received calls I had are gone. Someone deleted it all, and I know it was someone from that stupid rehab. I couldn't have my phone with me for the whole time but who the hell allowed them to delete all my stuff? 


I walk into the building feeling my legs starting to fail me. That's it. I'm going to get fired. I'm so screwed. 

I spot Lauren behind her usual counter and she looks good as always. She smiles at me but then her expression turns into a frown and I force myself to stop by the counter to talk to her.

"What's up?" I ask her and she forces a smile back on. 

"Um, well nothing. I'm just sooo busy" she says, looking down to the screen of her computer. "Welcome back" she says. Does she know where I was? 

I softly knock at the glass door and walk in, seeing Beth, Carter's assistent, sitting behind her desk. She looks up and smiles at me with a weird expression. Okay, what the hell is going on. 

"Good morning" I say and she nods at me. I walk to my desk and take my seat, turning the laptop on and typing my password. We all have one in here. Security stuff. Who cares.

"So, where have you been?" she finally asks me. By her expression I can see she's scared. She's scared? Of what, exactly? Apparently, she was waiting for too long to ask me this.

"Um, well... I was.. I-" I almost get on my knees and pray to god to thank Him by the knock at the door, but we both look up to the glass door to find Carter staring at us. He's mad. Obviously. 

"Moore, my office. Now" he demands. Moore? The fuck is that. 

I sigh and stand up, weakly smiling to Beth before I walk out of the office and walk into Carter's, which is right next to ours. 

"Take a seat" he says. His tone is now softer, but he still doesn't show any emotion. "How are you doing?" he asks me. 

"Um, I'm fine, t-thanks" I arrange to say. 

"I... Well, I think we need to have a talk" he says and I gulp down dryly, nodding frantically at him. "Why didn't you tell me you smoked?" 

"I didn't think it was a required information" I shrug, trying not to sound my usual sarcastic being, but I still think I did it. 

"You know I'm not talking simply about cigarettes" he raises an eyebrow at me and I frantically blink. 

"Uh, yeah well.. I..., Mr. Carter, I.." I try but I can't bring myself to any explanation. I'm so confused right now. I never felt scared to tell someone about my personal activities, and now I just feel like I'm about to burst into tears just from the way he's looking at me. And how the fuck does he know that? 

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