Thinking Out Loud

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It was 3am when she heard the light tap of something hitting her window and honestly it scared the shit out of her. Lauren Jauregui wasn't one to usually be scared of things. She loved scary movies and Halloween and all things gross and gorey but all hell would have to freeze over before a tap on her window in the middle of the night wouldn't cause panic in the 18 year old.

She was contemplating going to get her parents. The tap could be a number of things. A fallen tree branch, a clumsy bird that didn't see the window through the darkness, a mob of angry camren shippers that didn't get a 2014 camren selfie, really the possibilities were endless.

The raven haired girl slowly got up from her bed and walked towards her bedroom door, noticing a bright light flash on to her right. She walked over to it, realizing that it was her phone, and read the name sprawled across the top before quickly picking it up and answering the call.

"Lolo? Finally! Can you please open your window. I need you." A very familiar voice whispered.

Lauren put her phone back down on her nightstand and made her way over to the window, opening it for the younger Cuban girl who was sitting in the tree outside of it.

"Camila oh my god," she panicked helping the brunette into the safety of her room before pulling her into a tight hug, "Camz how many times have I told you not to climb that tree, especially in the dark! You could have fallen and hurt yourself!"

Camila paused before backing up a little so she could look into Lauren's crystal green/gray eyes.

"Lauren, that's the first time you've called me Camz in a while," she said in shock.

"Yeah well I believe when you called me on the phone you called me Lolo, which you haven't said in awhile either," Lauren laughed.

There was a moment of silence between the two, neither one knowing what to say.

Lauren took Camila's hand in her own and smiled.

"I miss this Camzi," the older girl said.

Camila looked up into Lauren's eyes and completely lost it. She was trying so hard to hold her composure up until this point eventually allowing herself to let all of the feelings she had been oppressing for so long finally surface. Within seconds Camila was sitting in Lauren's lap on the floor of the older girls bedroom, viscously sobbing into her pale shoulder.

"What happened to us?" She whispered through her tears.

Camila held onto Lauren like it was the last time she would ever see her, like it was the last time she would ever get to feel the other girls warmth.

"Camz, look at me," Lauren cooed, trying to loosen Camila's grip so she could look her in the eyes, but Camila wouldn't let go, not even a little.

"No," Camila cried, "I'm afraid if I let go I'll lose you again. I can't lose you again, Lauren. I love you. You're all that I had and I lost you. I lost you to him. Luis just came in and swept you off your feet and I couldn't...I tried to make you jealous. I knew what I was doing with Austin. With the flirting and the constant mention of him. I wanted you to care and you didn't and I lost you and I can't lose you again. I know that you're dating Brad, but I can't...I just can't..."

"I broke up with Brad, Camz." Lauren interrupted now with tears in her eyes.

"Wha...why?" Camila asked astonished, finally loosening her grip to look up into the older girls eyes.

"Because I..." Lauren started, eventually stopping herself when she couldn't find the right words.

Camila was right. Lauren hadn't even given a second thought to Camila when she and Luis started dating. In her heart of hearts she knew that Camila was hurting. She knew how the smaller girl had felt which made her feel so incredibly bad but instead of talking to Camila about she chose to ignore it and convinced herself that Camila was happy with Austin.

"Hey," Camila interrupted Lauren's thoughts, "Where did you go? I'm so sorry Lauren. I'm being selfish. You're probably really hurt by your break up with Brad and I'm here just spouting off about my own feelings. If you wanna talk about Brad I'm here okay? I'll stay right here with you and I'll let you vent and I'll listen to all you have to say but I understand if you want me to go too."

Camila started to stand up when Lauren quickly pulled her back down into her lap.

"No Camz," Lauren whispered pressing their foreheads together. She leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to the smaller girls nose as she heard a quiet giggle leave her lips.

"I broke up with Brad because I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you and I'm an idiot for just letting you go before. Please forgive me Camz."

Before Lauren could even process what was happening she felt Camila's warm lips placed upon her own in a sweet, sincere kiss. The two girls stayed like this for awhile quietly giggling as soft kisses were stolen and sweet "I love you's" were muttered.

"Is that why you came here Camz?" Lauren asked after what felt like a million heart warming kisses, "To tell me you loved me?"

"Not exactly," Camila confessed, "I actually had a nightmare and well, you know how to help the best with those so I decided to come to you."

"Aww, baby," Lauren said with a sad smile, "Here let me help you up."

Lauren lightly pushed Camila off her lap and stood up extending a hand to Camila to help her off the floor. Lauren guided the smaller girl to her bed and lifted the covers for her, making sure her...girlfriend? friend? (She still wasn't sure) was comfortable. The raven haired girl then made her way across the room and turned on her light, swiftly grabbing her brand new acoustic guitar.

"Lauren you don't know how to play guitar?" Camila stated in confusion looking at the older girl who was now walking towards her.

"No, not fully," Lauren smiled taking a seat at the foot of her bed, "but I almost have this one song down. I'd like to sing it to you if you'd let me. I don't know, it may help you sleep?"

"Yes, oh my god my girlfriend is going to sing me to sleep this is amazing!" Camila squealed.

"Shhh Camz! You'll wake up my parents!" Lauren laughed, "And your girlfriend? I don't remember being asked to be your girlfriend."

"Oh shush! Please be my girlfriend Lauren! I love you soooo much," Camila mocked sticking her tongue out at the older girl.

Lauren leaned in and softly kissed Camila on the lips, muttering a quick "yes" into the kiss.

When they broke apart, Lauren started playing "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran and Camila swore she almost died in that moment. She payed close attention to the beautiful girl in front of her and how lucky she was to have her eventually falling asleep to the sound of her girlfriends amazing singing voice.

When Lauren finished the song she quickly placed her guitar back in it's stand, turned off her light and cuddled up next to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around the small sleeping girl. She placed a quick kiss to her forehead and whispered,

"I love you so much Camz."

Before drifting off to sleep herself.

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