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The weekend passes by quickly, and school starts once again. Amalthea wakes up from her deep slumber as she glances out the window. For a good morning, it seems as if there is barely any light. The sun hasn't risen yet.

The transfer student stays lying in bed for a couple of minutes as she contemplates her life. When she hears the quiet breathing coming from the other side of the room, she's reminded that she's no longer at her old home once again.

The day is starting to break, so Amalthea forces herself up and changes into her uniform while there is barely any light (she'll fix it when she goes into the bathroom). Classes start in a couple of hours and there is nothing for her to do here. After she prepares her backpack filled with supplies, she tiptoes up to the door and leaves the room as she shuts the door behind her. The hallway is dark and creaky, haunting the building with silence. Amalthea gulps but marches on, hoping that no one catches her sneaking out of the dorm.

She looks up at the sky with its dark blue hue. She can still see the stars out.

"I really woke up that early," she sighs to herself.

"I'm surprised as well, no one is up that early," another voice says, causing her to turn around. The voice sounds familiar but she can't pin it down.

"Be careful," he continues. "If the teachers catch you, you won't have any supper."

"I know, I know," Amalthea retorts as she huffs in embarrassment. Who knew that someone is out in patrol? Well, at least he doesn't seem like he'll report her so maybe she'll be fine. For now.

He chuckles. "I snuck out too, if that consoles you a bit." He steps closer to her, his prominent shadow revealing more of himself until she can barely see him under the dim light. "Hey newbie. We meet again."

Amalthea stares in confusion. Could it be... "Mister Hwang?"

He jokingly gags as he places a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I told you to just skip the formalities. Mister isn't any better," he laughs. "So, what are you doing on this fine morning? Trying to get breakfast? Sneaking out? Looking for escape routes?"

Amalthea shakes her head. "No. I just wanted to take a breath of air."

He laughs. "Sure, okay, I'll believe that." He sits beside her. "Amalthea... right?" he asks her. She nods her head. "I wasn't sure at first. But you stood out to me, somehow." He looks up at the sky, the stars are beginning to fade because of the rising star. "You know, I sometimes walk around the school myself in the early mornings. No one is really awake at this time and I get a chance to breathe."

He turns to her. "So... you're part of the composer program?"

"Yeah," she says softly.

"I see."

The two share a moment of silence. The sky turns a little brighter as the sun rises. Amalthea stares at the boy sitting next to her as he stares off into the distance. Suddenly... "Um... you have a good singing voice."

"Oh, thank you," he replies, no emotion seen in his face. He sighs. "I honestly didn't want you to know about it hehe." He turns his head so they face each other. "I'm part of the performer program, and not because I wanted to." Amalthea tilts her head in response, confused. Why would he not want to be here if he is given the opportunity?

He turns to you. "You got into this school through scholarship, right?" he asks her.

She nods her head.

"It's been a dream of mine to write songs for other people. I loved composing ever since I was a little kid. I hoped that one day I could work side by side with other people that has the same passion to create and perform music."

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