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Hannah, Zoe, Nash, and I all walk into the party. Some song with a strong bass plays loudly throughout the house, and we're immediately greeted by Lexie Tera.

"Hi, Hannah!" she yells. Lexie had blonde wavy hair that worked very well with her oval shaped face. She had on a skin tight black dress that ended a bit past her waist.

"Hey." Hannah flatly says, scanning the party.

"Are you and Nash back together?" Lexie asks.

Hannah scoffs, "Nope, actually I think he likes Alice." she points over to Nash and I, his arm wrapped around me.

"Oh, hi!" she says to me. "Why haven't I seen you before?"

"I just moved here." I respond, hardly paying attention to her. As I look around the room, trying to peer into every corner without leaving the conversation of Lexie and Hannah, there isn't a Cameron in sight. And I don't know if that comforts or worries me.

Nash seems to be as uninterested in their conversation as I am, so he looks down to me and says, "Let's go get some drinks." He walks over to a table covered in vodka bottles and red solo cups. I assume that most of the people were here, considering that the whole main room was almost full. Some were already drunk, whereas others were chugging down as much as they could hold. Nash hands me a cup, full almost to the top. I drink a few sips of it before Nash pulls me into the party. We walk past a group of guys playing beer pong, who yell loudly as one of them makes the ball into the cup.

"This may come as a shock to you, hard rocker, but I love this song." Nash laughs. The song is dubstep, unlike Nash's usual rock.

"What is it called?" I ask, and take a sip of my drink.

"Collapse by Zeds Dead." he answers.

"I thought you only liked rock." I smirk.

"Well, you've only known me for a small amount of time." he smirks back, and dances a bit. I laugh at him, for he is definitely not a good dancer.

"What, like you're any better?" he raises his hands in the air.

"Oh god, no." I roll my eyes and cross my arms, but he won't accept that answer. Nash takes my arms and straightens them out, and starts moving them around, smiling at me with a large grin.

"Come on, hard rocker." I guess he's decided to give me the nickname of hard rocker, ever since that one day when I went to his house, and admitted to liking the same music. As Nash stood there, attempting to make me dance, as well as goofily dancing on his own, I admired him. He wasn't afraid to be himself, and didn't care about what anyone around him thought. Nash was having a good time on his own.

"You're such a dork." I laugh at him, and decide to dance a bit around with him. The song soon ends, and Nash holds my hand and leads me over to a couch. A couple happens to be making out on it, and he rolls them off. Their two bodies crash to the floor, but they're too obsessed with each other's faces to care. We sit down, but I fold my legs so they're not touching the two. Nash's hand intertwines with mine, and he pulls us slowly closer together. Eventually, we're close enough, I can feel Nash's breath upon the skin of my neck.

"You're cute as hell, did you know that?"

I bit my lip and smiled. Nash's face was barely an inch away from mine, and as soon as our lips touched, I feel everything. I feel on top of the world, and as if nothing is around us.

Nash pulls away, "Holy shit." he looks into my eyes and I look into his. I've never realized how blue they are. His eyes are like an sea of tidal waves, each one pulling you underwater, getting you lost at sea. Although, Nash snaps me out of the daze, and leans in once again.

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