The call

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Hey guys..... *dodges multiple knives, axes and sword (IS THAT AN AXE?)*                                      So I actually have an excuse for not updating. My computer broke down so I couldn't write on that and it's really hard to write on my phone and I've been swamped with school work. School sucks. BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH ME AND GIVING THIS STORY A CHANCE! Anyways, ON WITH THE STORY!

Italics = Other person speaking on the phone 

Italics + Bold = Thoughts


Suddenly, they heard a phone ringing. They all looked around at who's phone was ringing. Everybody's head shook no as they heard Sebastian finally speak.

"Hey there Iris"


3rd P.O.V

If you listened closely to the invasive group outside the dorm room, you could hear quiet gasps. Sebastian couldn't hear them though. He was to busy talking to the person on the phone.

Is this the person from the song?

Who are they?

Why is Meerkat being nice?

Their thoughts were interrupted by a girl's voice coming from the speakers.

"So how have you been Barry?"

Barry? Who's Barry?

They were shocked when Sebastian responded in a completely different tone from what they were used to. There was no snark, no sarcasm and no hint of annoyance in his tone. There wasn't even a hint of the intention of flirting in his voice! It was like he had just became a completely different person.

"I'm good. I miss you and Joe. Has anybody been giving you a hard time?"

Who's Joe? Who's this person.

If you compared the normal Sebastian to this Sebastian, you would think they were twins! He's acting completely different. He sounded protective. Sebastian protective? He would probably sacrifice his own PARENTS if it meant he could live. That's the kind of person he was. Right?

"No I'm fine. I should be more worried about you. How's school? Have you made any friends? Are you still a nerd? Why haven't you called me? Have you joined any clubs? Have you been bull-"

"I'm fine. Don't worry" Sebastian responds with a soft smile on his face. "School's been good. I actually have made some friends as surprising as that might be. They're really great guys and they're like family"

The warblers outside were shocked. They knew that Sebastian thought of them as clubmates and friends but family? They did want to be friends but they weren't sure about what Sebastian would say. They felt a warmth in their chest. Their captain trusted them and thought of them as family!

"I am NOT a nerd... I prefer the term geek."

That made everyone laugh silently. Sebastian? A geek? HAH!

"I've been busy lately with homework and trying to maintain my scholarship and I've been-"

"Barry" The girl interrupted. "You are a straight A student and are doing college work IN HIGH SCHOOL! YOU'RE FINE!"

That shocked everyone. They knew that Sebastian was smart but COLLEGE LEVEL SMART? That was surprising. Thad was shocked but not as much as he should have been. He remembers sometimes when he would accidentally look at the work that Sebastian left on his bed, and be puzzled. None of the equations made sense, he didn't even recognize some of the letter and symbols. It was all Greek to him. He never thought twice about it. Until now.

"I know" He said, dragging out the W, pouting. "I've joined the lacrosse team and no I'm fine"

They were confused. What did he mean by he was fine? And did THE SEBASTIAN SMYTHE just POUT?

"Anyways, I was thinking of visiting you in Dalton" The mysterious voice says.

"Really?" Sebastian asked, his face lighting up like a s҉e҉r҉i҉a҉l҉ ҉k҉i҉l҉l҉e҉r҉ ҉w҉h҉o҉ ҉j҉u҉s҉t҉ ҉k҉i҉l҉l҉e҉d҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉i҉r҉ ҉f҉i҉r҉s҉t҉ ҉p҉e҉r҉s҉o҉n҉...........

I mean a kid on Christmas.... yeah...... totally.

Sebastian then opened his mouth to speak but then he did something unexpected. "Ican'twait!WecangotothisreallyfunarcadethatIfound,theownersreallyniceandwecangovisitsomeofmyfriendsandthenyoucanmeetmycousin!Wait,howlongwillyoubestaying?Canwepleasegotothisreallygoodcoffeeshop?Theyhaveareallyprettyplant-"

Sebastian Smythe was RAMBLING. That was a shock but it seemed that they were getting a lot of those today. They were pretty sure that if that girl didn't cut in, he would be rambling for a while.

"Barry Barry BARRY!" The girl cuts off (thankfully. The secret listeners weren't sure if they could take anymore of the weirdness) "You're rambling again.''

"Sorry" said Sebastian as he SHEEPISHLY scratched the back of his head with his hand. He looked kind of adorable doing that dorkish gesture. Although it was completely out of character (the whole phone call was though), it did kinda fit him.

"I'm staying for 3 days because the school is giving us a day off and yes you can show me around" the voice on the other end said. You could hear her smiling even through the phone. "Anyways I have to go. I have to do my homework that Dad's been bugging me to do. I've been behind in chemistry''

"Ok'' Said Sebastian, clearly disappointed. "Don't forget that you can ask me to help''

"I will Mr. College-Level-Studying. Bye" She said while dragging the E at the end.

"Bye Iris

There it was. The name. The mysterious name that everyone wanted to know. It did make sense since earlier, he changed the lyrics to 'Hey there Iris'. There was the name who made Sebastian bearable. Who made him nice.

There was one thought running through everyone's mind as they slowly backed away from the door. There was one thought as they continued the tour but barely paid attention.

We have to meet Iris.

Sorry that it isn't longer. Thank you again so much for all your support also we have reached a milestone! We have reached 2K VIEWS! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY AGAIN! I hope you stay with me until this journey is done. I have loved reading your comments. They have made me and my friends laugh. I also got some beta readers! Anyways...

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