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A/N: this chapter contained more like a filler :)) cause I'm out of ideas how to elaborate this chapter and I am starting to like writing with Third Person POV


3 years had passed and Y/N became more busy than usual after the news she got where also her last timed seeing her baby daddy at the cafe.

She started to worked really hard to provide her son better life quality along with good education since she knew that she won't even have the chance to be with Felix

She also found her long lost childhood friend Han Jisung. He helped her a lot with worked and babysitting Minho while Y/N busy with works

With all her hard worked, she finally opened up a new owned kindergarten school with help of Jisung because he's apparently came from rich family and he himself is a CEO too

She managed to moved to a better also bigger apartment with good surrounding and security.


Felix's also became more successful than before ever since he regained her sighted again with the help of his personal doc. Chan

He had many branches all over the world which made him the most famous young CEO.

This lead him to had became more busier but he didn't forgot about his responsibilities as a husband. He came home earlier if there's nothing to do, he tried to go home early just so he can spend time and ate dinner with his wife.

While Areum is the opposite, she would always went home later than Felix. Sometimes, she totally forgot her tittle as Mrs.Lee and her responsibilities as a housewife.

Felix can felt the distance between their relationship ever since Areum said that she miscarried her baby. He tried to fix the relationship but his effort is worthless when there's no efforts from both side.

Felix also became more suspicious on how fast Areum changed, he also curious when he caught Areum using pad that one time during the first month she announced that she's pregnant

as far as he knew, pregnant woman don't bleed during pregnancy but Areum did

She told Felix that she miscarried after two months



"mommy! uncle jisungie is here!" my son Minho shouted

"let him in minho!" I shouted back still busy watering my plants

"hey y/n, i can't babysit minho for tomorrow.. can you handle him and bring him to your kindergarten?.. I know I always babysit him but tomorrow i'll be meeting this one clients from big company and i really needed agreements in this" he explained fully

"eh- sure it's a no problem. you always helped me in many ways, anyways which company are you going to meet?" I asked

"The Lee Co. the CEO named Yongbok or known as Felix" he casually said while playing with Minho

A/N: I honestly don't know what am I writing rn it's currently 2 in the morning here.. *sigh*

Draft: August 06, 2020

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