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"uh-oh.." I feel tears building up my eyes, threatened to fall in any second but I managed to hold it.

"are you okay y/n?" jisung asked now both him and minho stop playing watching my every moves..

"yeah, why wouldn't I?" I took a deep breath and gave reassuring smile

"alright. anw, speaking of that felix guy is it just me or this toddler looks similar to him?" he pinched both Minho cheeks in response he yelp because minho bit him

I laughed and nervously said "no?" came out like a question "why would he looks like that foreign guy?" oh snapped-

"wait? you knew he's not pure korean?" he asked back again.

"well- um.. he's famous?" i mentally slapped myself "i think i've heard about him somewhere.." nice saved!

"oh well, alright." he continued


(fast forward to next day.. )

*knock knock knock* u wanna come in? (insert felix voice aksjsj)

"I swore you came here just yesterday.." i rolled my eyes

"Hey chilled okay, I came with good news!" he said excitedly

"tell me about it"

"okay made me cup of orange juice first" he demanded as if I was a maid

I flicked his gorgeous forehead and went to made him a cup of orange juice

"ow- what was that for?" he said caressing his now red forehead  "for making me your maid" I said

"wel-" i cutted him off "Okay now we're ready, what is it the good news you wanna tell about" while sitting in from of him

"you remember that I told you that I would help you raise fund for your newly opened kindergarten right?" he ask carefully..

"yeah, then??"

"well I got someone who would love to and agreed to help you!" he said

"who exactly?.."

"mr.Lee yongbok aka Felix." He said ecstatically


(D-Day where Lee Felix arrived at Y/N's kindergarten )

nervous? no I was beyond than nervous. scared? I almost poop in my pants. no words can described how am I feeling right now, he can be here any moment..

few minutes past..

there parked black limousine, came man with casual looks with his newly silver hair.. damn he looks hot!

focus y/n!!

"um kwon y/n?" he asked snapping me out of my daydreaming  "aren't you kwon areum sister?"

"eh- yes twas me.." I said try to avoided eye contacts "shall we went inside? I can showed you around the kindergarten. This school isn't that big but it was good enough and I mostly take special kids in since most of people doesn't wanted to take them for schooling.." i babbled

he stared at me for a moment.. those pretty eyes.. a sudden blush crept to my cheeks

"That's a lovely of you, caring for the special kids in needs" he said showing sincere smile

I just nodded and showed around


Lunch time for the kindergarten toddlers came, I usually don't really prepared lunch for the kids since the parents usually do for their kids but today's was different..


"you needed to showed your sincere, you true self, how much care you are for the kids and your kindergarten" he said

"how? you wanted me to cooked for him or what?" I said snorting

"Yes!" he replied

"Do you usually prepared the lunch for the kids?" Mr.Lee asked "um not really sometimes I just baked for them for dessert or side dish since parents usually prepared lunch for their kids" i said almost inaudible voice

"alright, le-"

"omma!" a voice erupted through the hallways I almost forgot I brought him since Jisung had to leave the city.

"ne minho-shi what did omma said about shouting in here?" i scolded softly

"miane" he pouted and hugged my leg

"this is your son?" a voice interrupted

a sudden realization hits me his son

"y-yes.." i said not meeting his eyes

"so cute, where's the father?" he compliment and asked "that's a bit complicated.." I awkwardly replied

"oh sorry- I forgot, it such a long time we haven't met" he said "it's okay" i smile reassuringly

"who is this disgustingly-pretty hooman omma?" he squinted  his eyes

"oh me? I am felix, what's your name buddy?" Mr.Lee said chuckling because of the toddler choice of word

"lee minho!" he said loudly

"ooo~ you got the same surname as me" Mr.Lee teased the little guy even he already knew or he forgot

I cleared my throat "sorry to interrupt but it's lunch time let's take this to the lunch hall, shall we?"

"sure!" both Mr.Lee and Minho said at the same time

A/N: I am going too fast aren't I? :')

Draft: October 11, 2020
I am actually still having my O'level cambridge examination until 10 nov..

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