Chapter 16 - Excessive Blood and Mistakes

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"I can't believe that guy has been following us!" Wild exclaimed, shock embedded in her voice.

"I should have told you sooner," Zypher grumbled.

"It's alright. Now I know to look out for him," Wild said, giving me a small smile. It made me feel much better that she wasn't mad at me for not telling her as soon as it happened. It's pretty obvious that the man was after her.

"Let's settle down here," I said, deciding it was time to stop. It was getting too dark for Wild to be walking around the forest.

Wild set her bag on the ground and immediately the three creatures popped out and began exploring the space. I couldn't deny that their little chirps of excitement were cute.

I let her take care of working on the fire while I dug the blanket and food from my own bag. I laid the blanket out and turned with the food bag in hand. I stopped in surprise when the fire was already started.

I decided not to question it and tossed the small bag to Wild. She caught it with a grateful smile. I dropped down next to her and snatched a few pieces from the bag after she had gotten herself some.

I took the bag from her hands and put it aside as we sat and talked until the fire mostly burnt itself out. Wild and I made our way to our little makeshift pallet and in the process, I tossed my jacket to the side.

She forced me to let her use my arm as a pillow. I knew I'd wake up with a numb and painful arm tomorrow but agreed anyways. I wrapped the blanket around us both and got closer to lay down.

"Ouch!" Wild gasped, shooting upwards.

"What's wrong?" I asked frantically, following her up. I turned her forcefully towards me to look her over.

"One of your knives stabbed me!" Wild exclaimed, bringing a few fingers up between us. My eyes crossed to watch a few drops of blood slip down her skin. Then they were gone and placed in her mouth to stop the bleeding.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled. I reached down and yanked my knife from my belt. Tossing it away gave me a little anxiety but I didn't want to accidentally cut her again.

Wild said her thanks and after making sure her fingers were bandaged appropriately, we tried to get comfortable again. It only took a few minutes to fall asleep after that.


It was still dark when I woke up and I was confused as to why at first. And then my eyes focused on a worried looking Wild. Her body was placed more on top of mine and her fingers were pinching my arm.

I opened my mouth to speak but her eyes widening quickly stopped me. I paused and listened to the world around us. Bugs in the night, the faint sound of running water, and rummaging.

And chuffing.

My eyes glanced past Wild and found the source. A large black bear had its head stuffed into the little bag we used for food. My eyes met Wilds, and I tried to gesture with my eyes that she should move. She was closer to the bear than I was, and I knew I'd heal faster than her if I took a hit.

I think she understood and had even begun to move but we stopped dead when the bear started to growl. I couldn't move fast enough when I saw the bear charging at us.

Wilds agony filled scream fooded my ears. Her arms tightened around me almost painfully but I allowed it. Her arms around me made it much easier to roll us away from a second hit.

Wild cried out in pain and I whispered a thousand sorrys into her ear as I pushed myself off the ground to face the bear. My hand instinctively went for my knife I kept on my belt. When I felt nothing, panic shot through me.

I glanced to the side and found the fire closer than I thought it was. I reached into the embers, burning my hand in the process. I picked a log that was burnt at the end and it seemed as soon as I lifted it up, it reignited.

The bear growled deep in its throat as I raised the fiery weapon at it.

The animal charged at me and I quickly brought the log down onto its head. Just as the wood was an inch away from the bear's head, I yelled to charge a magic attack.


The crack of the bear's skull and the log breaking rang throughout the forest, bouncing off the trees and carrying the sound further. I sighed in relief when it dropped to the ground in a lifeless heap.

I looked to Wild, my eyes widening when I saw her passed out where I had left her. I rushed to her side and turned her over gently. Her side and part of her back were torn open horribly and blood seemed to be spilling out in endless amounts.

I bundled our blanket up and set her head on it carefully before finding my bag under my jacket. I pulled a wad of bandages out of my bag; they thankfully were on top from the accident before, and grabbed the canteen before scrambling back to her side.

I moved her shirt as gently as I could and poured water on her back to clean out the wounds and remove as much blood as possible. I wrapped the bandages around her body and made sure they were all secure before placing her head on my lap.

I felt the unfamiliar feeling of tears behind my eyes knowing I wasn't able to protect her. I couldn't even quickly get her help now. I wasn't sure at all how close we were to the next town. The only thing I could do now was wait.

It was hours before Wild's eyes began to flicker open. I surprised us both when I leaned down and pressed our lips together. We stared at each other, unsure of what to do next. I pulled away awkwardly and began filling the silence.

"I was so scared you weren't going to wake up. I should have protected you better. I don't know what I would've done," I rambled. It almost sounded like I was scolding her for passing out. Wild gazed up at me with a pained happy expression. "I can't lose you."

"I promise you won't," Wild rasped out. I reached over and grabbed the canteen from where I had set it down. I brought it to Wild's chapped lips and tipped it back. Wild took a few sips but struggled from the position she was laying in causing a few drops to slide down her chin. I set the canteen aside and used a finger to wipe away the excess water. My hand paused when it met her lips and my eyes met hers.

Wild reached up and set her hand on my cheek, bringing my face down and closer to hers.

"I'm not going anywhere."

She leaned up and pressed our lips together again.

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