Chapter 17 - The Strange Woman

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"Oh thank goodness!" Wild said relieved when we finally spotted the first town we'd seen in almost a week.

"Hopefully they'll have access to some medicine. An apothecary would be amazing," I said. Wild had been forced to deal with the pain without any assistance. I had run out of pain medicine when she was sick and hadn't thought about getting anymore.

"This place doesn't look like much of a town," Wild said lowly. I had to agree. The town had at most ten houses and the Blightown sign was teetering on the very edge of its life.

"Maybe we should keep moving," Wild suggested as we began growing closer to the small homes. The streets were empty and eerily quiet.

"We're staying." Wild needed medicine and this place was our best bet right now. Wild frowned in disagreement.

"Hello! Welcome to Blightown!" We both jumped and spun around from the voice that came from behind. I placed myself in front of Wild and examined the woman who was able to sneak up on us, me specifically.

Her dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she wore a snug fitting red dress. She didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the town in the slightest.

"My name is Callis. We don't get many visitors here so this is such a treat!" Callis cheered. Wild laughed slightly. I didn't approve of the overly cheery act.

"We would love a place to stay for the night if possible. We'll be out of your hair by tomorrow morning," Wild explained. Callis nodded along like she was listening but her eyes stayed trained on my stoic expression.

"Oh! Well, my home fortunately has two spare guest rooms you can use. Let me lead the way!" Callis said, waving us along with her. She turned on her heel and began walking deeper into town. I couldn't ignore the look she gave me when she spun around. I'm sure Wild noticed it as well because she grabbed my arm as soon as Callis looked away.

As soon as we got to her doorstep, the rays decided to make an appearance. Skip popped his head out of Wilds bag and glanced over Wilds shoulder. Callis' eyes opened wide at the creature she's probably never seen before. The three brothers fought their way out of the bag and took their spots on Wild and I's shoulders.

"Such unique pets," Callis said. She opened the door wide and led us inside.

"Thanks," Wild mumbled as she reached up to scratch Onyx's head. Callis' eyes followed the rays inside.

"You must be exhausted. I'll make you some food." Callis shut the door behind us. She brushed her body against mine as she walked around our forms. I quickly stepped away into Wild who was glaring daggers at the other woman. I smiled, knowing she was getting jealous.

Callis led us into her dining room and showed us to our seats before walking into the kitchen, her steps making tapping sounds when she hit the different styled wood in the other room.

"I don't like her," Wild spat, her glare lingering on the doorway even after Callis couldn't be seen.

"We won't be here long," I assured, running a hand through her hair gently to give her some form of comfort.

Callis came back into the room and dropped two plates on the table, sliding them towards us as she sat down across from me.

"Now, what's your name?" She asked, leaning her head on her hands and staring at me. I could practically feel the anger coming off of the fairy beside me.

"This is Wild," I began, gesturing to my left, "I'm Zypher."

"Zypher is such an interesting name," Callis purred.

Wild and I ate quickly, both having the same idea: finish eating as fast as possible and get out of this awkward situation. When the last bite of food entered Wild's mouth, I turned towards Callis.

"I think we'd like to go to sleep now." Callis looked over at the large window in the kitchen and frowned.

"It's not dark yet," She whined, looking back at us like her words would change our minds.

"We've been traveling awhile," I grit out, wishing I had agreed with Wild to keep moving to the next town. It without a doubt would have been less annoying there.

Callis pouted but stood, pushing her chair out with a deafening screech of wood on wood. Wild flinched back and I saw the faint smile painted onto Callis cheeks.

"Follow me." Callis led us down a hallway and stopped near three doors clustered together.

"This right here is my room," Callis said, meeting my eyes and then pointed to the two doors opposite. "These two rooms are for you guys."

"Thank you," Wild said curtly before grabbing the door handle and pulling me inside harshly. She shut the door behind us with a bang and stalked over to the bed, throwing herself on top of it with a huff.

The rays raced around the room, bouncing on the bed and jumping over Wild.

"Are you a little jealous?" I teased, laying next to her on the bed.

"No," She barked, throwing her head back.

"How does your back feel? I didn't ask for medicine." I pushed her slightly and she moved onto her side so I could examine the bandages.

"Hurts but I'm content not asking her for medicine," Wild grumbled, rolling back over and cuddling into my side.

"If that's what you wanna do," I agreed. We laid back and pulled the top blanket over us.


The pain in my back kept growing, to the point I could no longer ignore it. I sat up in the unfamiliar bed, sighing in relief when my back left the mattress. I looked to my left, hoping I hadn't woken up Zypher but he wasn't lying next to me. I slid my hand across the indentation in the bed and felt no warmth.

A faint red glow caught my eye and I turned towards the window. I crawled to the edge of the bed and yanked back the curtains.

A horrified gasp left my lips.

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