Chapter 1: Where the am I?

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(Reader)'s POV:

I wake up to a pounding in my head. I hear seagulls calling above me. I cracked my eyes open, letting light fill them. I put my hand to my head as I tried to ease the throbbing pain.

Where am I? I look around, trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings. Ocean, I could see nothing but ocean for miles. I am on a boat, but not just any boat, this is the lifeboat that was attached to the research vessel. Suddenly I felt a deeper pounding in my head, I remembered what happened, how I got here.


I was leaning against the railing of my father's ocean research vessel. His job required long days at sea, away from home. As a young child, I didn't spend much time with him, yet I always shared his love for the ocean. Finally my father has allowed me to come with him, giving me the opportunity to learn more about his work. I smile as I look out of the ocean, calm as can be, not a single wave to be found.

"(Reader)" I hear my name called, pulling my eyes away from the water.

"Yes dad?" I reply seeing my father. His dark tan, evidence of the many hours he's spent working in the sun.

"We'll be departing soon, there seems to be a storm heading this way, so we want to get a move on". He says

"A storm really? But the ocean is so calm".

"Ahhh, that's the thing about the ocean though, it's deceiving" he says with a wink "navigator says we have to tie down and secure and loose items".

"Got it dad" and with that I left the railing, and began tightening the ropes. 

Once done, I went to my cabin and laid down on the bed. Falling asleep, little did I know the tragedy that was waiting for me.

 BANG! I was awakened to the sound of men yelling and footsteps dashing past my door. Attempting to stand, I toppled over due to the swaying of the ship. Getting my barring, I rushed out my door, only to be violently hit by the sea spray. Hurrying toward the main deck, I see my father and run towards him.

"Dad! What's going on?!" I ask, feeling the overwhelming panic.

"(Reader), listen to me," he said, grabbing my shoulders. "Go board the lifeboat, I don't know what's going to happen, but I want you there just in case the ship takes water".  We catch ourselves as another massive wave slams the ship, he pushes me towards the lifeboat. 

"What about you Dad?" I look at him with tears in my eyes.

 "I'll be fine, there's no way in hell I'll let this ship is going down". He pulls me into a hug and whispers 'I love you', "Now go!" he says to me. 

I rush off in the direction of the boat, struggling I climb into (shelter box) in the lifeboat (insert boat image here), locking the door tight. BANG! I'm thrown to the side of the room. A dulling sensation fills me, I black out, allowing for fate to take me.

Present Time:

My father must have let the boat loose, falling to the ocean, away from the main ship. This could only mean one thing, the research vessel sank, my father must have done this in a last ditch attempt to save me. I let the tears fall, mourning the loss of my dad. How could he? How could he leave me all alone? I cried louder, letting the deep pain consume me. The more I cried the more my head began to hurt, finally I had to pull back some of my tears to address the growing pain. Climbing back into the pod, I looked around, lifting the floor hatch up, I find cans of food and bottled waters. There were 12 cans and 8 water bottles, I divided things up. I plan to eat half a can and drink one third of the water from one bottle everyday. This should last me at least 24 days, after that, well, I am not sure what will happen. Hopefully I'll be found before then.

As the sun began to set, my tears returned. My brain could only think about my father. After a while, my eyes had run out of liquid, I had no more tears left to cry. Exhaustion took over my body. I entered the pod, wrapping myself with the blanket inside. I rested my head on the floor, using my flip flop as a pillow. I was lulled to sleep by the gentle waves rocking the boat. My dreams were consume about waking up to see my father and the research vessel safe and sound.

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