Y/n wakes up

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I finally was able to open my eyes to look over and see Diego crashed on the couch and Five sleeping on the floor right next to me. "Ouch my head what the hell happened last night?" I asked Grace who was making breakfast for me "Well Y/n I don't really remember much that happened but you could ask Diego when he wakes up he's the one that brought you home." Grace explained and so Y/n began to get up and look around for Diego but she couldn't find him so she went upstairs into her room to try and remember what happened last night just she began to feel sleepy and closed her eyes for a second to see a vision of Diego flying into the wall and hitting his head. Y/N took a moment to figure out what that weird flashback was but if there was one thing she knew it was that she had to find Diego so she grabbed her stuff and went to go search for him that was until she got stopped by Five . "Is everything ok Y/n?" he asked she just wanted to ignore him but she knew she had to tell someone about this so she sat down with Five and told him what she saw.  Five had an expression on his face that he knew exactly what was going on "You used your powers and your having flashbacks from it it's your first time so these are just common symptoms. " He explained Y/n looed like she was in complete shock she had no idea how her powers worked or why she threw Diego into the wall. "There you are Y/n." Said Diego he joined Five and Y/n on the couch and told Y/n everything he could recall from last night and said "Y/n we have to figure out how you used your powers last night can you think of anything that might have caused it?" Meanwhile Five had already developed an idea in his head as to what might have caused it both Diego and Y/n turned over to Five knowing he was thinking something "Five what are you thinking?" They both asked Five stood up and said "Well maybe her powers are like vanya's maybe there based off of her emotions she was probably scared when she saw you and unexpectedly used her powers without even knowing it so we may have to run some tests a smirk developed on Five's face "Lets begin." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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