chapter one

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Author's Update 13/07/2022: PLEASE READ !
HI! This book has gotten a lot more attention then I thought it ever would. I'm so so grateful, but also terrified since I cringe looking back on this book. So, before it hits 100k reads I'm going to go back and madly edit it. I know a lot of people don't like Iduna's name, but I'm keeping it because I think it's cute how Elsa named her daughter after her mother. I will do this as quickly as possible to avoid confusion, but please be patient.

Thank you for all the love <3


iduna is pronounced "eye-doo-nuh" and she is named after her grandmother, if you didn't realise



king ben, son of beast and belle, stares out onto the isle of the lost, seemingly deep in thought as he is fitted for his coronation.

"how is it, that you're going to be king next month? you're just a baby," his father exclaims as he and belle, his wife, walk in from the balcony. they smile brightly and admire their son, proud of how well he is adjusting to his future role as king.

"he's sixteen dear," belle reminds her husband.

"hey pops-" ben begins, but is cut off abruptly.

"sixteen! that's far too young to be crowned king. i didn't make a good decision until i was at least, fourty two," beast chuckles to himself.

"uh, you decided to marry me at twenty-eight." bella scoffs. "it was either you or a tea pot." beast says, before seeing the look on his wife's face and adding, "kidding."

ben laughs, before he remembers why he has been meaning to talk to them all day. "mom, dad, i've chosen my first offical proclamation. i've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in auradon."

beast and belle look at their son with wide eyes and their mouths agap. after seeing the looks on his parents faces, he steps down from where he is being measured.

"i feel like they've been abandoned," he tells them.

"the children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" beast points in the direction of the isle, staring at his son with a hard gaze.

"we start out with a few at first. the ones that need our help most. i've already chosen them," ben quickly tells them, trying to diffuse the tension in the room.

"have you?" beast steps forward, getting angrier by the second.

"i gave you a second chance," belle reminds her husband, placing a soft hand on his arm, "who are their parents?"

ben swallows nervously, "cruella de vil, jafar, evil queen, and... maleficent."

"maleficent?! she's the worst villain in the land!" beast exclaims, "i won't hear of it. they are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

"dad, their children are innocent! don't you think their children deserve a chance at a normal life?" ben raises his voice slightly, trying to justify his decision.

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