Chapter Three

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After pulling out the case files you kept scanning over it, something about it just felt off. Spencer took his attention off his book and looked at you curiously. "Agent y/l/n, you've looked at that file for approximately three hundred seconds." You ignored him and continued to focus on what was in front of you. "Agent y/l/n-" cutting halfway through you spoke, "Reid, you don't have to keep calling me that, just call me y/n." he nodded at your statement continuing to open his mouth but closed it. You finally drew your attention to Spencer as he was sitting there thinking and biting the insides of his cheeks. You continued with your thought "something about this case just feels off. Like we're missing something here but I can't put my finger around it." The both of you processing what you just said you immediately took back what you said, "ac-actually never mind, you probably think I'm crazy for thinking something strange is going on."

Spencer sat there across from you trying to figure out what you were getting at then spoke "Y/n... you're not wrong, though most cases we deal with are strange as you're already familiar with."All you could do was stare at him and nod your head. He continued, "but what are you getting at?" A little confused yourself you didn't know where to start. In the meantime of the flight, you and Spencer went over the case files as everyone was waking up, specifically Derek.

"Would you look at that! Pretty boy and y/n, already workin' together." You shot Derek a look while Emily smacked his shoulder telling him to stop teasing. Though in the corner of your eyes you could see Spencer's cheeks getting flushed by embarrassment. Leading you to turn back around and getting back to work. The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful everyone was talking about the case and occasionally got sidetracked to random conversations and stories about one another. It was nice, being a part of something or well at least it felt like it. Thinking about it caused you to remember about that morning and your friends. It was towards the end of the flight and you looked down at your phone contemplating whether you should unfriend your old friends if you could even call them that. "Y/n I think it's best if you put your phone away when we're landing," Rossi spoke and you nodded your head, putting it away, yet still felt that sinking feeling of sadness rushing over you. Observing you Spencer noticed but didn't want to impose.

As the aircraft was descending you felt like you need to vomit causing you to rush to the restroom once the jet had landed. When you left the restroom you saw Spencer standing there with water in hand and a paper towel as he sheepishly smiled rocking on his toes and heels not sure if he could do anything more than that. You gratefully took the water, swished it in your mouth, and chugged it trying to get rid of the bitter taste in your mouth. "Do you have any mouth wash?" you asked as you wiped your face with the paper towel while doing so Spencer shook his head no. Giving him a reassuring look that it was okay you told him to thank you and you both left while the others waited outside. You all agreed to head to the hotel first to drop off your belongings then go for the local police precinct.

Arriving at the hotel there weren't many rooms available causing a few people to share which wasn't much of a problem for you. When you were little you had shared a room with your little sister, so it was just like old times. Spencer and Derek shared a room, Hotch and Rossi shared a room, leaving you to share a room with Emily. JJ stayed behind in this case having some family business to take care of.

Afterward, you all split up; Hotch and you staying at the precinct to work on a better profile while the rest went to the victim's families. After a while, you all called it a night since it was a quarter to one. You went straight for your twin bed, while Emily went to go change. After a couple of minutes, she came back and sat at the edge of your bed sighing. As a reaction, you lifted your head from facing the mattress and looked up at her signaling for her to speak what's on her mind. "Y/n, earlier when I was with one of the families they mentioned that he had left a letter apologizing, yet for some reason, it wasn't processed as evidence." That's when it clicked in your head, you got up and signaled Emily that everyone needed to meet up. You quickly ran out the door, not bothering to put on your shoes. Heading towards Spencer and Derek's room you could hear them talking, though it was muffled.

"I'M NOT GOING TO TELL HOTCH ABOUT MY DREAMS DEREK." was the first thing you heard Spencer say, curious as to what was going on you stood there to see or more so hear what would happen. "Reid, I need you to calm down," Derek said as calmly as he could. "Of all things you want me to tell Hotch about my dreams? He'll have an evaluation done on me." Spencer said panicked. "No he won't, just trust me on this. This is the best option, you haven't properly slept in ages and you've been living off of coffee." Deciding before things could get worse you knocked on the door trying to be oblivious as to what was going on. Derek opened the door and all you could see was both Spencer and Derek shocked that you were there. "Reid, I think it's for you." He said as you looked towards Spencer, but before Spencer could speak you squeezed in what you needed to say, "actually I'm here to see the both of you." saying in the most urgent tone you could causing both their body language and facial expressions to change.

Both of them quickly rushed out of their room. In the elevator was when you started telling them what was going on, "we got the profile all wrong. Emily told me that when she had talked to one of the families the unsub apologized to them in a letter." Trying to contain their laughter they nodded as you looked at them annoyed "WHAT IS SO FUNNY!" and that's when both of them burst out laughing "Y/n you do realize you don't have any shoes on." You looked down and they were right, knowing that you couldn't walk into the precinct without shoes you pressed on the elevator button on the floor your room was located. The elevator pinged open as you rushed to your room.

Hey! I hope everyone is well. This chapter was kind of all over the place and I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I hope you guys at least enjoyed it. I'll try and write the next chapter as soon as possible. Stay safe! <3

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