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40 more strikes that's all now. I could easily do that all in one practice, but I'll pace myself. When I arrive at practice it feels strangely quiet because neither Kageyama nor Tsukishima are there. When I practice no one does anything, no criticism, no insults, no crude laughs. Yamaguchi comes up to me and even apologized to me, for being a dick when he was around Tsuki. I was dazed. Everyone was being a lot nicer. And this was the first time doubt set in about my system of strikes. It was small bit of doubt because I knew I wasn't going to be dissuaded to not to this I had made up my mind and nothing was going to stop me from commuting to the end result.


Since fuck face had said those awful words about Hinata and I had reacted to them I was banned from club today and had nothing to do. I was tempted to watch Hinata through the windows but didn't after realising that would make me look like a stalker. So instead I went shopping to apologize to Hinata for Tsukishima actions seeing as he wasn't going to do it himself.

The shopping centre wasn't very far from where I lived so after I went home and changed I went shopping. There's was a reason I usually never went shopping, and it happen to be happening to me right now, is that groups of girls would look at me and make the strangest of faces, or sometimes follow me around the shops. It was only one girl and I today of all days, my patience had definitely ran away from me. So as soon as she followed me from one shop to another. I confronted her.
She looked at me in awe.
"Um hi, you are really beautiful could I have your number senpaii."
"1) Don't call someone you just met senpaii
2) I doubt if you called someone senpaii on the first time you talked to them, they would give you your number
And last of all 3) I'm Gay."
As I listed the numbers her face shrank smaller and smaller.
"Oh" she said and scurried off probably to find her next victim.

Right back to the task at hand to buy Hinata something to say sorry. First of all I to buy a card and hopefully 5o get Tsukishima to sign it, we'd probably be allowed in if we showed Daichi that. Then a cake because Hinata looked far too thin, when he was changing you could see his ribs sticking out from under his chest. Then the actual present I feel like it should be something volleyball related. Then I saw it the perfect present it was a bit pricey but I was willing to pay it a gold and orange volleyball, the orange was exactly the same shade as Hinata's hair. I knew he was going to love it. I have plan to give it to Hinata as a surprise tomorrow.


My strike count was lower today maybe because I wasn't getting as much harsh criticism. I got 9 strikes. I mean it still counts towards the grand total which was now 69 strikes. I'll just have to up my failure game on Monday.

100 Strikes ~ Kagehina Where stories live. Discover now