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(Ignore Edward)

Isabelle's POV
When I opened my eyes I was greeted with mommy's beautiful eyes and smile. I gurgled happily. Mommy! I started to reach out for her. I started to play with her hair. Mommy's hair is so soft. But soon I was given to someone else. I titled my head to the side in confusion. Who is this person? The man(?) gave me a small but loving smile. He caressed my head with his hand. He pressed a soft kiss to my head. "My beautiful belle, so beautiful", he whispered to me. I gurgled happily when I realized who it was. Daddy Lijah. Yay! I started to touch him, the thing that looked funny around his neck looked interesting. I gurgled again. I heard him chuckle. "Your so beautiful darling, daddy will always protect you, no matter what, you are my always and forever, don't ever doubt my love for you, my sweet sweet angel, I love you", he whispered to me. But then I could heard something in my head. 'I love this little girl more then anything, my life, my love, I will protect her and her sister with my life, they are my life, and I will kill anyone who will ever lay a hand on them, my beautiful daughters'. Whoa! What was that?

I titled my head in confusion. What was that? But other then that. 'I love you too daddy' I thought. But the second I thought it he took a step back and had a weird look on his face. What was wrong? Now everyone was looking at daddy. "What's wrong?", daddy Klaus said. I saw daddy Lijah smile at me. "Our princess has a power, she can hear my thoughts and can send thoughts to me as well, she takes after you Lillie dear", daddy said. I had no idea what they were saying but I just gurgled in happiness. I looked at the thing around his neck again. I went to reach for it again. But without me even touching it, it came to me. Whoa! Daddy Lijah chuckled. "She definitely takes after you my love", he said.

But then something flashes across the room. I looked at where it went. It went over to jasmine. In her grasp was a suckie thingy. "Izzy", I heard the sound of my sisters voice in my head. I gurgled happily. "Jazzy!", I said happily. "They must have the same powers", I heard daddy Derek say. "Well they are twins", mommy Becka said. I giggled. I then saw someone new. And I felt like I wanted to be in his arms. He was wearing a weird color. What color was it? (White). I gurgled wanting to go over to him. He started to come over to us. But then I heard something come from daddy lijahs chest. It vibrated. "Please, can I hold her?", he asked. His voice sounded amazing.

I heard the vibrating noise again. "Lijah, honey please, let him, he won't hurt her", mommy said. I looked up at daddy who looked hesitant. He looked down at me. He pressed a kiss on my forehead again. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. He slowly turned around and I saw the man again. He looked handsome, so handsome. "You hurt her once I will fucking rip your head off", I heard a dark voice come from daddy Lijah. Whoa. "I promise I will not hurt her", the man said. Daddy Lijah slowly gave me to the man that was standing there. The mans hands were cold but I loved it. His weird colored eyes Met mine. I stopped for a second, I just totally froze. (Imprinting since she's part wolf)
I slowly reached up and put my tiny hands up to his cheeks. His cheeks were cold. "Hi", I sent to him through my mind. He smiled. He had a lovely smile. "Hello little one, my your beautiful, little Isabelle, my name is Carlisle", he whispered to me. I could hear him clearly with my hearing.

Carlisle. Wow that's a beautiful name.

"Why don't you guys go hunt I know you must be hungry, I'll watch over them", mommy said. They looked hesitant. Not wanting to leave us. But I knew they must be hungry. I would be too. Mommy gave them a look and they walked out the door, but not before placing a kiss on mommy's lips, on Jazzys forehead and my forehead. I giggled happily at feeling they're affection. They soon left. I looked back at the man. Carlisle. He smiled at me. He caressed my face with his fingers. I cooed softly. "My beautiful mate", he whispered so softly that I almost didn't hear it. I gurgled at him. He chuckled. He went to sit down. He sat down and bounced me up and down softly. I giggled and gurgled. He chuckled. He cupped me from behind the head. And placed a kiss on my forehead. Wow that felt really good.

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