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"Alright class, good job today. Remember to practice at home", says my ballet instructor.

I had just finished my morning ballet class that I attend every Saturday. I don't know what it is but morning classes always leave me feeling refreshed. I swear there's nothing more I enjoy then being in the studio. It's where I spend the majority of my time.

I threw on some sweats over my dance wear, hugged my friends goodbye, and started heading home in my car.

Once I got home I hugged my mom, "Hey mom", I say.

"Hey girl, how was class today?" She says as she hugs me back.

Me and my mom are really close, I can literally tell her anything. She had me a young age so sometimes it seems like she's more of a friend then my actual mother.

"Great as always" I reply back to her.

"That's great. What are your plans for the rest of the day?", she asks me as she starts cleaning up the kitchen.

"I'm probably just gonna hang out Julian" I say smiling.

Julian is the guy I've been dating for the past couple of months. It's nothing serious ... at least not yet.

My mom gives me one of those looks out of the corner of her eye.

I laugh at her "What mom?"

Julian hasn't officially met my mom yet, they've just exchanged a few "hey's". But I promised her that I would formally introduce her once things got a little more serious.

"Nothing" she replied back. "Just make sure your home by 11, I'm going to need your help getting the twins ready for church tomorrow" she says referring to my little brothers, Joshua and Malcolm, who are both three years old.

"Alright" I say heading up the stairs to my room.

Once I'm in my room I shoot Julian a text.

' Just got home. Can you pick me up in an hour ? '

He replies back a few seconds later
' Of course baby. Be there soon '

I smile to myself and start getting ready. I pick out a blue and white stripped collar shirt, white shorts, and pair it with my orange wedges to add a pop of color. I lay the clothes on my bed and hop in the shower.

Once I finish getting ready I check my phone and there's a text from Julian.

' I'll be there in 10 mins. You better be ready '

I laugh and respond ' lmao okay boo '

I grab my purse and head downstairs, and watch TV with my brothers until he comes.

15 minutes later, the door bell rings.

I immediately get up and run to the door.
"You better be excited" my mom says from kitchen as I open the door.

"Mom, please" I say blushing.

I can't help it, every time he's around it makes me feel some type of way.

Julian laughs and leans through the doorway and waves at my mom "Hey Ms. Jones"

"Hey Julian, how you been?" she replies waving back at him.

"Great actually. I'll have Adalina home by her curfew"

"Alright, you better. Y'all have fun" she says winking at us.

"Omg, bye mom" I say. I swear she can be too much sometimes. But I love her.

My mom laughs and goes back to cleaning the kitchen as Julian and I head out. Halfway to his car he stops.

" Wait, wait, wait " he says.

I look at him concerned " What's wrong ? "

He smiles at me and pulls out his phone and directs it at me.

I laugh and shield my face "What are you doing? Are you talking a picture of me? "

He chuckles, " Smile baby girl, you look too beautiful for me not to take a picture ".

I blush and try to smile but I can't stop laughing. He takes the picture anyways and posts it on Instagram.

* picture at the beginning of chapter *

He captions it ' Heading out with my girl 😍👏😩💍 '

Once we get in the car and start driving, I pull out my phone and snap an off guard picture of him. He's definitely about to be my man crush on Monday I say giggling to myself.

As he drives he puts his hand over mine which is resting on my thigh. I wish this moment can last forever.

When I'm with him everything just seems right.

The Dreams of AdalinaWhere stories live. Discover now