chapter three

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     mal, evie and iduna open the door to their dorm room, pausing as their eyes scan over it. pink curtains, pink bed sheets and pink lamps – way too much pink.

    mal scowls, iduna stares blankly, and evie gasps in awe. "wow... this place is so ama-"

    "gross," mal cuts her off.

     "i know right? amazingly gross. ew," evie corrects herself, but opens her mouth in excitement behind mal's back.

     "i'm going to need some serious sunscreen. e, d." she points to the curtains.

     iduna and evie pull them over the windows, darkening the room. "phew, that's much better." mal sighs.

     the white-haired girl flops onto one of three beds, letting out a loud sigh, "it's only been an hour and i'm sick of everyone here."

    mal chuckles, "how long you reckon until they ask about your, uh, abilities?" she sits on another bed, opening her bag which had already been bought to their room.

    "not long. benny-boo kept staring at me like i'd freeze him if he said the wrong thing," iduna rolls her eyes, something she had been doing a lot more since they arrived in auradon. "but, he was staring at you, my dear mal, for an entirely other reason."

     evie giggles, joining iduna on her bed, "you noticed that too?"

     "duh, i have eyes," iduna gives evie a grin as they tease mal.

     mal scoffs, "gross. be quiet, i'm starting to scheme," she tells them, opening her spell book.

"you have fun. i'm gonna go see how jay and carlos are going," iduna says, jumping up from the bed.

"have fun," evie smirks knowingly as iduna leaves the room.

     students hustle about the corridors, staring at iduna as she passes them. her pale complexion, white hair, streaked with ice blue highlights, and isle-like outfit is very hard to miss. she walks confidently down the corridor, not noticing fairy god mother approaching quickly from behind her. 

    "iduna, dear." she sings. the girl turns around and stares at fg, confused. "i was going to give these to you before, but i didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends," she holds out a pair of dark blue gloves.

    iduna feels like she's swallowing lava as she stares down at them. looking back to fairy godmother, she tells her "actually, i don't need them," many students stop to eaves drop, and iduna has to resist the urge to glare at them.

     "uh, well, dear, their enchanted, you see, so that incase you become angry your... powers won't harm others." fairy god mother explains, "we require you to wear these if you wish to attend auradon prep."

    iduna takes a step forward, "unlike my mother, i'm not afraid of my magic," she tells her, "i can handle it myself. like i have been for the past fifteen, nearly sixteen years of my life. ben was the one that invited us here, so, until he asks me himself to wear those, by the way, hideous gloves... i'll be on my way," she smiles wickedly, before turning on her heels and continuing her journey to jay and carlos.


iduna bursts into jay and carlos' room, slamming the door behind her. "ugh!" she sighs, dropping herself onto a chair and laying her head on the table.

carlos and jay share a look. "iduna? what's wrong?" carlos asks, pulling up a chair next to her.

iduna lifts her head, her long hair resting over her shoulder. "fairy godmother told me i have to wear these ugly enchanted gloves if i want to stay in auradon. i obviously said no, so i'll probably be sent back to the isle in no time."

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