Coming out (not homosexually )

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Jess pov


  OK so today Is my first day of school, well re-first day since the first one didn't go so well.  I am going to tell them who I am or what I guess. I got in the shower and did my business and got dressed in a pair of joggers and a half of red shirt with my red and black jordans. I walked downstairs to see no one anywhere to be found. I decided to stop pass Adam' s house to see if he wanted a ride. When I pulled up to his house there was a blue ford focus. I walked and before I could knock Adam walked out with a friend a tall   darkskined man with a very deep voice. ( Chris Tillman, the viner) I stopped in my tracks. "Hey Adam , I came to ask did you want a ride but you seem to already have one "I said trying not to sound annoyed. "You can ride with us if you want ? By the way ,I'm Chris. " he said sticking out his hand. I took it and replied "I'm Jess"  we drove to school then I remembered "How come I never see you here?" I asked Chris. "Well I'm not a big fan of the ""Lapush gang """ he said laughing while putting air quoted up. I looked at him confused and he said "Well your their girl!" "No I'm not I just came here about a week ago and I'm already in a gang?" I new what they were referring to , the big muscles and hanging with Sam didn't look good on there part either. I got out the car and the pack waved me over I stopped  and greeted everyone but I kept walking with Chris and Adam. Paul ran up and said "Hey, Are you still mad at me I said I was s-" I cut him off "No I'm not mad never was " I shrugged it off so I could keep walking but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around."Why aren't you hanging with us then?" He questioned." Well I can't have new friends?" I asked getting really annoyed of how he think he owned me. I walked away leaving Paul a little stunned. "Are you ok?" Adam asked "Yeah fine, can we just get to class? " now having an attitude.  "Hey I'll catch up with you later, ok?" He told Chris and he nodded.Then Adam gently pulled me back outside behind the school to talk."What's wrong I know your not fine?" He asked concerned."It's just that I feel like I'm being kept under claws! "I can't take it they are too worried about me all the time! Like I can't take care of myself, I have been doing it long enough without them!" I said starting to break down. " No!" I yelled "I'm not letting this happen to me. I am not weak and pathetic I just need to let it go." I said reassuring my self."Hey!" Adam said pulling me into a hug."Everyone knows you can take care of yourself! But sometimes you cry because you are weak from being strong all the time. Let someone take care of you! Let me take care of you!?" He said still bear hugging me. I just cried into him until I realized!"We have school I can't keep missing my first day!" I laughed he let go and walked with me and noticed it was lunch time."Hey Adam ,thanks I needed someone and you were there." I said and kissed him pationetly. My stomach started growling very loud. "Hey maybe you need some food! But we should go to the movies later, just so you can relax maybe we can see Hunger Games Mocking Jay part 1?" I nodded and we walked into the cafeteria. "Hey Jess?, where have you been all day we were starting to get worried?" Paul asked. "Don't worry about it I'm here now!" I tried to move on. " You can't just leave you need to tell someone.!" He yelled at me. I looked around for who he was talking to because it wasn't me."I am not your property,we don't date and we are hardly friends so exscuse me if I need to tell you where I'm at and if I pleased to or wanted you to know my phone would suffice. " I yelled." You need to back off, just because your my brothers friend doesn't mean your mine, now don't you have a slut to kiss the make up off." I shot at him."Yeah actually I do my 12:45 thanks for reminding me!" He said smirking walking away. I walked to sit with Adam when Embry got in front of me "What was that all about?" He said taking a bite of his chicken."Paul being a A hole!" Oh so nothing new" he says. I laugh and introduce him to Adam, Chris and some of the jocks.  "Can you call a pa- I mean meeting later with your friends?" I asked Embry. "Yeah, why?" He responded. "Well that's what the meeting I'd for. "


Later at Emily's house everyone is there except Paul who seems to be running late. "Wassup, what's what the pack meeting? " Paul busts in unaware of my presence.  He looks at me then everyone turns looking skeptical of why I am not freaking out. "I called this pack meeting." Everyone looked at Sam."She knows! Why did you tell her?" "So many Questions boys , Let me talk!" I said firmly. "OK yes I know about your. ..........Ah yes Quiluette pack. I came to say I mean no harm to you and I didn't know there was even a pack here- " ha what can you do to hurt us -prick?" Paul butted in I laughed." I wouldn't do that Paul!" Sam ordered "Why not she can't do anything! " he Smirked. I lifted my arm and lifted Paul in the air . Everyone stared in shock . I dropped him and said "asjck amena" he started screaming." Jess stop, you said no harm to the pack" Sam said. "Jules " he stopped screaming and looked around terrified." I thought I would show them a few tricks!" I laughed. " So to be clear I'm a witch!!"

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