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"So you're telling me that you were BORED and just decided to pull that shit in class?" I asked incredulously as Lola started laughing

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"So you're telling me that you were BORED and just decided to pull that shit in class?" I asked incredulously as Lola started laughing. "She was being an asshat, and it's one week till break," She said. "Oh this gets better and better!" Lola laughed. I glared at her. "She was being a teacher, and I swear to God, Iris Gloria Malini Rodriguez, if I ever hear you doing anything like that again you won't have a summer break!!" I yelled.

Before I could finish my tirade I heard loud banging on the door. "Aunt Heidi! Aunt Heidi! Aunt Heidi!" Moonee yelled. "Go away Moon, she can't play today!!" I yelled. Before I could stop her, she pried the window open and climbed in. "What have I told you about climbing through that window?" I asked. "Why can't she play?" Moonee asked. "After the shit she pulled, she's grounded for at least a week," I said.

"It wasn't that bad and even Aunt Lola thinks it's funny," Iris said pointing to her laughing aunt. "It was that bad and your aunt is only laughing because she has the maturity of a five year old," I said. "I'd argue, but it's too funny," Lola said laughing. "Alright Moonee go away, Iris get ready for bed, and Lola... don't you have work or something?" I asked. "I got fired," she sang. "Go find a fucking job! Everyone just get the hell out!" I yelled and both Lola and Moonee left. Iris tried to follow but I grab her by her hair and spun her around. "¡Ni siquiera lo pienses!" I yelled. (Don't even think about it!) Iris left to get ready for bed and I rolled my eyes. "Lost her damn mind," I muttered under my breath.

Once Moonee left, I followed and went to find a way to make money. Sometimes I would sell drugs to make what I needed to pay the weekly rent. However I tried to get odd jobs doing whatever I could to make sure it didn't end like that. I wasn't exactly proud of being a drug dealer, but I'm 23 with a five year old daughter and a high school diploma, what am I gonna do. "Iris, Mommy's going out for a little bit, I'm sending you to Bobby's," I said.

Bobby and I had an understanding, he helps me watch Iris sometimes and I pay him extra when I can. Then sometimes he doesn't let me pay for it, but I feel bad when I don't. Once I drop her off I went to my latest new job, selling Disney Princess merch at the off brand Disney store. And for the whole two weeks I made about $234, they only let me come in two days a week. Once Bobby came for rent at the end of the week I gave him the $220, leaving only $14 for Iris and I. That's $4 more than last week! Then I went to pick up Iris who was in our room, last day of her grounding.



After my week long punishment I was finally allowed to go play with my friends

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After my week long punishment I was finally allowed to go play with my friends. "Don't be a dick!" Mom called. "No promises!" I shout back. I ran to Moonee's and climb in the window. "Wake up!" I yell. "Iris I told you not to wake me up," Aunt Hailey said sleepily. "You sound sleepy, Aunt Hailey," I said. "Iris get out, Moonee get dressed," Hailey said. I left and ran up to Scooty's room. A few hours later we were sitting bored out of our minds.

"I thought we'd do something fun," Scooty complained. "There's nothing fun to do," I said. "This is boring," Moonee complained. "You know the people here 2 weeks ago went to Disney," I said. "Yeah, mommy said it cost money," Scooty said. "Iris! Bertha has something for you guys downstairs!" Mommy shouted.

Bertha is the laundry lady and she likes to give us food sometimes. She also likes to help us with Spanish because she said that since Scooty and I are Spanish we should know how to speak it. Mommy said the same thing. 

"Let's go!" Moonee shouted. The three of us ran downstairs until we get to the laundry room. "Hola Bertha!" We shouted. "Hola, tengo algo especial para tú tres," she said. (Hello, I have something special for you three). "¿Que es?" I asked. (What is it?) "Un sandwich de pavo," She said handing us the sandwich. (A turkey sandwich). "¿Con queso?" Scooty asked. (With cheese). "Si!" She said. "Thank you!" Moonee said. "Gracias," she corrected. "Gracias!" We repeated. Once we left we each took one piece. "There's one extra," I said. "Mine!" Moonee said. I slapped her hand away. "Fuck no, it's mine," I said. "We can ask Dicky," Scooty suggested. After a fight we finally agreed to ask Dicky.



 "Iris, come in for bed!" I shout

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"Iris, come in for bed!" I shout. I live in the same room as Iris and Heidi, which did sometimes get annoying. The craziness was worth it though, plus it was like live tv. "Where's my mom?" Iris asked. Heidi was actually out doing her other job, but I wasn't about to tell that to a 5 year old. "Busy, she'll be back," I said. "Can I have the iPad?" She asked. "Aunt Hailey has the iPad tonight, and you need to go to sleep," I said. "I thought you were the fun one," Iris asked. "Not right now, go to sleep," I said again.

She kicked her shoes off and climbed inside. "Aunt Lola are we gonna get kicked out again?" She asked. I turned around, "No, who said that?" I asked. "Luis and Lani's mom lost her job once then they had to move to Mexico, I don't wanna go to Mexico," she said. "Well Luis and Lani didn't have an Aunt Lola," I said reassuringly. "So that means we can stay here forever?" She asked. "For now yeah," I agreed. "No forever?" She asked. "Well of course not forever, no one stays forever, eventually we'll have enough money to leave and get a real house," I said. "Soon?" Iris asked. "Who knows," I said.

"Can't we live here?" She asked. "We'll see babe," I said. That was good enough for her because she went to sleep. "Goodnight flower girl," I said. Then my phone rang. A number that I haven't seen in a long time. A person that I haven't seen in ages. I answered the call. "What the hell do you want Sebastian."

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