Day 4 : The Artifacts

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"Stay sharp and focus! let the bullet pierce the heart of the enemy! Shooter!" I yelled as the bookmark glows and summons a pistol, "hm....I thought it would be a bow and arrow..." Hirasaki said, "how bout try and chant it the other option." he suggested and I nodded, "With the might of the shooter, pull the strings and let the arrow travel far! Shooter!" the gun changes into a bow and a quiver appear as I hold the bow, "nice, how bout we train your aim today?" Hirasaki said before he pulled out his wand and point it at far edge of the field, "appear." he said and then a target archery appear.
last night after Lady Ophion took us home, Necronomicon keep talking about Shooter, our new Phantasm that we catch yesterday. so today Kirasaki and Hirasaki planned to train my shooting skills. "hey Ren you listening?" Hirasaki asked before I snap from my daydream, "if you can manage to hit the middle point, that mean you passed." he explained, "just a fair warning that target aint normal." he said, i sigh and then took one arrow from the quiver. "focus..." i muttered and pulled the bow string. "go!" i released it and the arrow instantly shot in high speed, "that should do-" before i finished my word the arrow snap into two after hitting the middle. "w-what!?" i flustered and Hirasaki laugh, "told ya that middle part aint normal." he said, then he stand up.
"that target is coated in magic, if you can learn how to control 'Penetration'. you may encountered an enemy with a barrier, magic does help but you need a lot of mana to penetrated a barrier. so, by learning Penetration through range weapon like bow or pistol, it'll cost less." he explained, "now focus your energy not into the bow, but the arrow. imagine it as sharp as a blade that can cut through even the thickest wall." he said, "okay." i said and take another arrow, then i pulled it backward with the string of the bow, "penetrate the barrier, break it, let me hit the target." i muttered..."Wind Rune! Penetration Shot!" i release the arrow and the arrow was engulfed in green aura, "my is that a penetration type projectile?" Lady Ophion ask Hirasaki, "yeah.", "but its kinda-" the arrow hit the target, but the arrow still break. "weak..." Lady Ophion finishes her word, "Ren, you should focus more. I know something is on your mind." he said and I let out a long sigh, "well, there is...." I scratched my head,
"hey Necro, can you tell me the history of Calamity Phantasm's War again?" I asked and Necronomicon floated out from my hand, "again? sure." it open itself and then the pages starts to flip page by page, "here they are." then the pages stop showing me a chapter about Phantasm and lot.
"Phantasm is a manifestation of the mana that leaked out from the World Tree, Yggdrasil, the real one, not the replica that we saw at the park. due to the damage that done by the Great Warlord, Espada lein Meir, to Yggdrasil, the mana inside it leak out, many mages and sorcerer had tried to cover the wounds, but it never work. the wound is getting larger and wider, and, 3 decades later, the mana took form of the beast that was fallen right beneath Yggdrasil. we called it Phantasm, many warriors and innocent lives was taken away by the manifestation. some who survives try to find a way to defeat the manifestation. then one hero, Arthur, discovered the Artifacts that powerful enough to cast away the manifestation, later then some candidate was chosen as the wielder of Artifact, and one of them is your great-great grandfather, Kyomori Magatsu. he chosen to wield the Blade of Totsuka, a sword with tremendously strong magic power and will of fire. and one of the seven Legendary Artifacts. soon after Arthur's Army declared war to the Phantasm, the horror appear. the grand calamity that the world fears, the Calamity Phantasm. some who are coward ran off and some who brave fight. after many many days of war, Arthur's Army reach victorious and sealed away the horror deep inside the Abyss. but still no answer to cover the wounds of Yggdrasil. after that, the seven Legendary Wielder sealed their Artifact inside the ruin that we called now, Hall of Whispers. you can hear the moaning of the death and Phantasm that was struck down the Artifacts." it said, "you wish to know the Seven Artifact right?" I nodded. "I can see it from your expression."
"the first Artifact, Excalibur, the golden sword that was wield by the legendary hero, Arthur, this blade is the symbol of Light. the second Artifact, Grand Quasar, the storm bow that was wield by the sharp eye, Dyrius, this bow is the symbol of Wind. the third Artifact, Earth's Havoc, the royal axe that was wield by the royal prince, Prince Umbra, this axe is the symbol of Earth. the fourth Artifact, Salamender Tongue, the flaming whipblade that was wield by the beast folk's King, King Aurus, this whipblade is the symbol of Fire. the fifth Artifact, Tears of Levy, the blessed spear that was wield by the daughter of the legendary hero Arthur, Beatrice, this spear is the symbol of Water. the sixth Artifact, Blade of Totsuka, a grand magic blade that was wield by the great swordmaster, Kyomori Magatsu, this blade is the symbol of Thunder. and the last, the seventh Artifact is remain unknown." it done explaining and close itself, "let me guess, the one that in your mind is the seventh artifact right?" Kirasaki said, "I mean I do curious also, there is no entry about it in our family codex too." he said, "but what I do know is that, the seventh artifact is a magic imbued weapon, so it either a staff, wand or a Lexicon." he said, "anyway, how bout we continue our trai-" suddenly we heard a large explosion right beside our field. "what the." without further due, all of us ran there. "Hirasaki! you okay?" we spotted Hirasaki standing outside with a fear drawn all over his face, "aniki...that thing..." he pointed at the field beside us, "that thing is...." Kirasaki swallowed his spit, "that is one of the horror....Jurious."

Day 4 : to be continued

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