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(i made a ff abt tersushima so check that out lol 😹😹 also this chapter isn't rlly a chatfic nd i can't rlly change it since i already have like 1k+ words so i'm sorryyyy)

i woke up to see the face time ended since they had to wake up early to fly here. i stretch and remembered we had free day today since the directors were busy, so they just told us to go over our scripts.

kenma and tsukishima decide to meet me in my hotel so they don't cause any suspicion with kuroo. i waited for them until i see a text from kenma that they are here.

i texted him my room number and wait, i hear a knock and i go to open it. i see them and smile, "hey guys!" i say a i gesture them to come in.

kenma immediately plops on my big bed and lies there for like a minute. "so when do we have to go to this building thing?" tsukishima says chilling on a chair.

"well he said at 12:00 am which was weird as fuck." i say giving them some snacks.

"we are going to get kidnapped." kenma says still lying on my bed. "well tsukishima is really tall how will they kidnap him?" i say scrolling through instagram.

"yeah i don't think they want to carry a six foot man." tsukishima says, i laugh and kenma smiles.

we suddenly hear another knock coming from the door. we all stare at each other.

"y/n go open it." tsukishima whisper yells at me. "what? why me i'm a girl and they can literally pick up kenma and run, you do it." i say.

"guys just ask who's there." kenma whispers. "who is there?" tsukishima in a monotone voice.

they didn't answer but they slipped something under the door and i assume walk away. "ok which one of us is goin-." "not it." they both say at the same time.

i mutter 'pussy's' and head to the door. i see a note. "the note says to meet at cafe xxx at 1:00 pm." i yell.

"why? why does everyone want to meet us?" tsukishima says. i shrug and check the time. "we have like 20 minutes til then let's just watch some tv." i say as i turn on the tv and sit on the bed.

"i don't want to go." kenma says lying on the bed as me and tsukishima wait at the door. "come on kenma, the cafe they chose to meet at is very popular, they can't kill us in public." i say.

kenma sighs but gets up and puts his shoes on before we head out.

we only been here for a short time so we got lost at one point, but we finally made it to the cafe.

"the person who is trying to meet us gave us literally zero details on where to find them." tsukishima says as we try to look for the sketchiest person there.

as i was looking around i froze. "guys holy shit piss hair boy and bokuto are here." i saw whisper yelling.

"do you think they're the ones who want to meet?" tsukishima asks looking at them. "well we can't fully trust that they are." kenma says whispering while hiding behind me.

"let's just see if he reacts when he sees us." i say slightly going closer to them. atsumu than spots me and starts to walk towards us

"guys he's going to sangwoo us." i say slightly panicking. "damn it tsukishima your long big ass head is so easy to see." kenma says whisper yelling.

"or maybe it's because we are literally standing in the middle of the cafe, while everyone is sitting." he whisper yells back.

we all start arguing so we didn't notice that atsumu came up to us, until he cleared his throat. we all looked at him than at each other.

"come with me." he says in a monotone voice.
we didn't really know why he said that because him and bokuto's table was literally 10 steps away.

we all sit down in a booth and just stare at eachother. than bokuto finally blurts out.

"imsosorryforcallingyouawhorey/nkuroomadeupallthesethingsaboutyouandibelievedhimbecauseheismybro." he says all in one breath.

( translation - 'i'm so sorry for calling you a whore y/n, kuroo made up all these things about you and i believed him because he is my bro.')

i than look at atsumu who just nods in agreement.

"so how did you guys find out the rumours were fake." tsukishima says squinting.

"well we kinda started to analyze everything after what you said so we hired a hacker because that's what they do in the movies, so he investigated the account that was leaking this information, and well it used kuroo's email and his password that he used for everything." atsumu explains as we all look at each other.

"why do you think kuroo is doing this?" i say to them. bokuto bites his lip but speaks up. "well i don't know if this helps, but kuroo was on the phone in our hotel and he was talking to a girl that i think you had beef with, you know seulgi? i didn't necessarily hear what they said but he was calling her 'baby girl' and stuff like that."

kenma chokes on the water he's drinking and tsukishima just looks slightly dumbfounded.
"what the fuck? so kuroo is dating seulgi?" i say slightly yelling.

"he never mentioned a seulgi to me ever." kenma says as he tries to process the situation. "so does kuroo know that you two dont trust him anymore." tsukishima asks.

"well we are planning on telling him we know about his plan to get a little bit more information about it." i bite my lip as he speaks.

"how far do you guys think those two will go?" i suddenly say feeling anxious. "yeah i mean this random person wants the three of us to go to this random ass building at like 12 am." tsukishima says agreeing with me.

the two looked at us confused "wait you guys got that text too?" i pulled a 'bitch what' face and stared at them as bokuto pulls out his phone.

"we are definitely getting molested or something." atsumu says seriously.

me and tsukishima stare at him. "why the fuck would they molest us, you're so stupid atsumu-san."

atsumu smacks him and mutters something. "maybe this isn't even part of the y/n situation and someone genuinely wants to kill us?" bokuto says.

"oh god we have no hope." me kenma and tsukishima say at the same time.

hey the next chapter will be like the continuation of this and them meeting unknown so yeah 😀 i didn't rlly wanna write all of it on this chapter. it's like 12 am here nd i'm tired asf so i'm sorry if this is kinda messy i kinda just wanna get it done djidjsjsnjs

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