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(hi im removing everything with "ratsumu" bcs the term is very insensitive of me and i'm sorry for my ignorance.)
"so are we, or are we not going to meet that unknown guy." bokuto says while chewing with his mouth open. "bokuto-san i swear to god, if you don't close your mouth." tsukishima says eyeing bokuto with disgust.

"well like if we do there's a high chance their going to kill us." atsumu says as he casually takes a bite out of his toast. "i say yolo, i have nothing to live for anyways." kenma says not even looking up from his game.

i nod "kenma's right if they try bokuto can like jump on them or something." atsumu laughs while bokuto doesn't hear me and continues to stuff his face.

atsumu looks around for awhile but his eyes widen. "guys holy shit rooster head is here." he says whisper yelling. we all stop eating and look on his direction. "what the fuck do we do."

i say panicking, but than out of no where bokuto throws money on the table and yells in a deeper voice "everyone there's something super awesome in the left window."

than he points to the window opposite of us.

when he did that he checked kuroo and gestures us to book it, i throw some more money just in case bokuto didn't put enough and booked it past kuroo.

we all run until we don't see the cafe anymore. "ok i only ran because that was weird as hell." tsukishima says trying to catch his breath.

"i ran because kuroo creeps me the fuck out." kenma says letting out quiet breaths of air.

when we finally catch our breaths we decide to go back to my hotel to go and play some mario cart and chill until 12 am.

"ATSUMU I SWEAR TO GOD MOVE UR UGLY ASS OUT OF MY WAY." i yell trying to steal atsumu's spot in first place. "hey guys we should order something it's 11 pm rn." bokuto says as he opens a app to order food.

i groan as atsumu beats me by a second in mario cart. "i'll go for some wings." atsumu says lying down on my bed.

i than realized they were here for a reason. "hey how are your coaches okay with you guys just roaming around seoul?" they all shrug.

"coach said we have atleast two weeks before we meet those cool korean volleyball players." bokuto says ordering the wings.

"how about you y/n? what about the k-drama your supposed to do?" i also shrug. "it was postponed for a month or two once the directors are two busy have traveling for business or something."

they all nodded in understanding and we decided to watch the tv.

(just pretend u got a text like somewhere in the day about them postponing the drama)

when the food arrived we literally devoured it like the fat asses we are until kenma spoke up "um i think we should go now it's 11:30 and we have to take two buses to that sketchy street."

we all nodded and got our stuff ready. we headed out and i decided to post it on my instagram story in case we you know die.


—we finally arrived on the street and we all literally hid behind tsukishima

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we finally arrived on the street and we all literally hid behind tsukishima. "why did we even go like what's wrong with us." atsumu says looking at the scary houses.

"yo chill the house is right there." he points at a all black house with broken windows and mannequins just seating on the porch.

"who the fuck designed this house it's so ugly." tsukishima says looking at the house in the disgust.

we slowly walk to the door and knock on it. we waited for like a minute before getting impatient. "bro this unknown guy is the worst host the fuck." i say as i go to knock again when the door suddenly opens.

bokuto screams out of surprise and i laughed a little. "what type of voodoo shit is this?" atsumu says as he touches the door.

"guys who's going in first." i hear kenma say behind me, we all point at tsukishima and he just rolls his eyes.

as we walk in half way through the hallway we hear the main door shut and lock. "ok what type of haunted ugly ass house is this the fuck." i say holding my chest.

bokuto literally looks like he's about to pee while tsukishima looks annoyed out of his mind. "so this unknown bitch gave us no directions, such a dumbass i swear." as tsukishima says that this door to a basement opens.

"bro this is kinda cool not going to lie." atsumu says pulling out his phone, but before he could video the phone died. atsumu groans and mumbles something under his breath.

tsukishima leads us in the basement where a table with 4 chairs with it. i groan as we all sit in the chairs.

"i really hope this is a fever dream." i groan.
"oh but it's not!" we hear a voice from the corner. "um can you like warn us the next time your going to do that damn." tsukishima says pulling his glasses back up.

the unknown person comes out of the shadows to reveal a really wrinkled ugly old man. "ew yer fucking ugly." atsumu says eyeing up and down.

bokuto stifles his laughter and looks away from the man. "damn i really thought this unknown was going to be a cute mafia leader or something." i say slightly disappointed.

"you kids are so rude, it's not my fault i'm like 446 years old." tsukishima rolls his eyes at the statement. "bitch stop lying your old but you aren't that old the fuck." the old man rolls his eyes and smacks tsukishima in the back of the head.

"ANYWAYS do you guys know why your here?" the old man says walking in circles around us. "i don't know to give you a makeover?" i say looking at his outfit.

the old man groans as we all snicker at my comment. "no you guys were the chosen ones."
he says in a dramatic voice.


"so you could've chosen anyone in the world but you chose us? you CHOSE the dumbest people out of everyone?" atsumu says judging him.

"wait so you aren't with seulgi and kuroo?" kenma asks in a quiet voice. the old man scratches his head in confusion. "no i don't even know who the fuck your talking about." he says stroking his bald head.

"not the point, anyways you guys are going to travel to an alternative universe an-" tsukishima cuts him off with a scoff. "bitch please you expect us to believe your some magical old man the fuck nah." the old man smirks and holds up his walking stick thingy and points it at a wall.

he says some incoherent words and suddenly he makes a damn portal.

than i woke up.

LOL IM SORRY DHSJJSJJSNSJ that was all a fever dream my bad nsjzjsjsjsj.

ok no seriously this is a plot of a la paper i wrote for school.

so like to explain lol y/n lost a lot of blood last time she self harmed so she was in a coma nd this was her dream lol. so she blacked out as soon as she cut so her just going to sleep was a dream too lol.

anyways i'm so sorry u had to read all those chapters cause they were all a dream ~~~

ok and i'm probably gonna do some alternative universe type shit in another ff including akaashi bokuto kenma tsukishima kuroo and y/n so lol yeah i'm SORRY.

my friend asked me to do this so blame her shinsukesimp :))))))))) LOL

anyways y'all gonna wake up in the hospital in the next chapter so yes 😹😹!!!!


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