✰ Prologue? ✰

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I have finally done it. I had to. I couldn't stand being stuck there. I wanted to start over again as me. And so I left my diamond life behind, and had my trusty ruby solider impale me, so that now I could permanently turn myself into just a mere sapphire. Instead of being a high mighty diamond,
I was now a rare aristocratic homeworld gem, with the power to see into the future.
Since I was previously a diamond,
to be more specific blue diamond, and since I of course made these gems,
it was easy for me to just give myself the power of future vision. But as I finally looked over at my ruby with a determined look, I knew there was no turning back.

Before the whole process, I gently placed my hands on her mouth, looking over at her with a cautious yet worried look as I said above a whisper,
"No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back, I want to finally live on earth with you. Pink was right, this is no way of living. I want to start a new life with you, but as for my last order as a diamond, please. Lets never speak of this again, Lets focus on the future."
I said, feeling my eyes tear up as I laid a soft peck onto the smaller rubies forehead, nodding at her.
"Of course my diamond." She replied, a small blush spreading across her face.
I began to pet her head softly, whispering to her "soon it'll just be sapphire."

Quick authors note, I'll be updating this book regularly. So please don't think that this is one of those books with like two pages cuz no.

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