The Conversation, part 2

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Yu Shi Gu and Hao Ting had just finished packing up and placing all the lights, flowers, and other items used to set up for Zhi ge's 'fake, but real' proposal into Sun Bo's car after deciding it was time to leave their stargazing oasis. 

"Where should we go?" asked Hao Ting as he was opening the driver's side door.  "Going back to my parents place is definitely out."

Yu Shi Gu could sense by the slight change in Hao Ting's expression that there was more there and Yu Shi Gu could expect to hear more about it later.  "We can go back to my place," Yu Shi Gu suggested.

"You're not living with your aunt?" asked Hao Ting.

"No," replied Yu Shi Gu.  "I purchased a small place a few years ago.  I guess there's no point in not telling you, as you'll find out soon anyway."

Hao Ting asked, "Find out what?"

"The place I purchased is the apartment we were supposed to share when we went off to college.  The place we shared before the accident," Yu Shi Gu explained.

"So, you're the tenant," Hao Ting said more to himself than Yu Shi Gu.

Yu Shi Gu was looking at Hao Ting with a questioning expression from the other side of the car.

"I'll tell you later," replied Hao Ting.  "Right now, let's get going before it gets any later."

The drive to the apartment was fairly quiet as each of the car's inhabitants were deep in their own thoughts.  Each processing where they should begin once they reached their destination. Hao Ting had reached the conclusion during the drive that although there were so many questions he wanted, no needed an answer to, Yu Shi Gu should be the driver of the conversation and as hard as it might be at times, Hao Ting should just listen.

Yu Shi Gu had decided the only starting place was from the accident.  Yu Shi Gu was debating, if he should include the information about Hao Ting's father, but if they were to start over fresh, Yu Shi Gu knew there could be no more secrets.  Hopefully, Hao Ting would be able to understand.

As Hao Ting walked into the apartment, although it looked different, Hao Ting still experienced a flood of emotions.  Yu Shi Gu had updated everything but Hao Ting could still remember how it looked when they first decorated the place after they moved in after high school. 

"Whoa, I'm loving the changes you made to the place," remarked Hao Ting.

"Not me," replied Yu Shi Gu.  "My aunt was responsible for designing most of this.  She redecorated before I returned from school."

Hao Ting so wanted to take the opening that presented itself and ask Yu Shi Gu about school, the apartment, his aunt but instead he held to the agreement he made with himself on the ride over; let Yu Shi Gu drive the conversation.

As Hao Ting continued to look around the apartment, walking into the kitchen Yu Shi Gu asked, "Do you want something to drink?"  The ease and comfort that he had experienced while stargazing was slowly giving way to the weight of the conversation that was looming and Yu Shi Gu found himself apprehensive about how to start.  Earlier, the way Hao Ting had kissed Yu Shi Gu and embraced him were things that Yu Shi Gu had longed for but what could Yu Shi Gu expect once the euphoria of their reunion wore off.  Yu Shi Gu had not forgotten that Hao Ting had already begun to move on with his life.  The prospect of being with Hao Ting for only one night filled Yu Shi Gu with joy and also sadness.

Yu Shi Gu was so deep into those thoughts that he did not realize the glass of water he was pouring for Hao Ting was overflowing onto the floor.  Walking into the room, Hao Ting rushed over and took the water pitcher and glass from Yu Shi Gu's hands and placed them both in the sink.  Hao Ting then picked up the towel that was laying on the counter and used it to wipe up the spill that had formed on the floor.

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