Chapter 15

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⭐: # (Daniel POV)#:⭐

So on friday I left aby's house then on staurday I worked out that entire day.I lnew I was lacking my exercise somehow but as a wolf I loved to work out in human and wolf form.I did get questioned by the gang I brought with me on friday night like what happened?Is your mate ok?Is the demon gone?Did you mark him?

All of these question where asked but they understood I was tored from all of that so its already Monday.Sunday night angela wanted to talk about the break up but that only ledt o me getting slapped for saying I would bang you and thats all I want.I really didn't want her hands or lips near was disgusting.

"Hey dude you've been quiet"eric said as we walked to the entrance of the school."its cool dude Im just a little tired from all this weekend.

"True dude I mean angela,aby and working out as well this week was a work out"He gave me a smirk and patted my shoulder."its alright dude and sorry that well....aby is my mate"i said un the most sincere way as possible for him "it's alright though I mean maybe my wolf was confused about him dude"eric said giving off a sighn as he headed hus way to his class downstairs.

"Hey" i said quietly just for me and eric to hear to apologize cause I hate seeing my best friend hurt but he didnt respond.I told myself that I should go after him since I didnt want us to have a bad friendshio so I ran ahead to his direction.

Until I bumped into someone,my hair got in the way but I grabbed the person before she fell down."umm....." that's all I heard from her as I flipped the hair out of my face and pulled the girl close to my chest. "D...daniel" she said....wait I know this voice I looked down to see it was aby......





Oh.....crap I looked at hin as he looked back.....I felt like something was in my throat....not letting me say something to him..damn what am I gonna say....oh I know

"Watch were your going"i said when my throat cleared out.....of all the things I said....ughh.

"Oh sorry but thank you daniel sorry again for bumping into you for like the 4th time I think"he said with those beautiful eyes and his wavy hair flowing in the air.

"Its...ok"i felt like my cheeks were burning pr something but my wolf was howling inside deeply.

"I have to go to class"he said with a smile on his face.

I looked in his he had english just like me and yet again im barely knowing this now after all this time in the same school.

I let go of his arm as I stepped back a step "well i have english so lets go to class together" i said as he looked at me in the most confused way.

"Sure let's go"he smiled as he walked past me and i walked behind him.

To think im so close to my far but so close I feel like I wanna just hold his hand and kiss him and Mark him mines. We reached our destination and to the wonders there were two seats lefts in the back so we both took them.

Each class is 1 hour and 30minutes so tp start off I should get to know him more better, after all he was my mate,my one and only,my other half,my baby,my boyfriend,my sexy,my sun,my ass,my pleasure,and the one Ima make love to,my forver.

I snapped right after the teacher said we had a project and had to work with a parnter, this was my chance.

"Hey" I turned around to where aby was "umm yea"he said with a smile on his face."well would you wanna be my mate...i meam my partner" darn it I got tounge tide with my words.

"Hehe,sure buy mind I ask something?" He said with a smile but with a confused look.

"Sure,what is it?" I asked acting all cool,"why would some straight,popular,and handsome fella like yourself wanna be partner with a nerd,gay guy and someone who has no taste for jerks"he said with a blank face.

".....well then thats kinda rude"i said with a sense of hate but sadness "im just kidding about the jerk part "

"Oh I thought you weren't and well were all humans so why not I mean your nice and innocent"

"True but come on now your kinda rude yourself but then again I am too since I always bump into you"

"Na its cool but foreal now would you be my partner"

After a bried moment of silence in the class between me and my mate I felt nervous even thought it was seconds it felt like hours.

"Sure,Why not"he smiled and looked into my eyes for a response.

"Alrigth then so whats the project all about"after all I was so not paying attention."you should pay attention and we need to make a powerpoint of a species" he pointed out.

"Alright so what do you have in mind"I asked

"Well I was thinking about snakes"he said in a awakard tone "what about you?"

"Im thinking about wolves"after all there my fav since I am one.

"......I'll skip on that"he said with a angry tone

"Why?Is there a problem with that species??"I felt how my wolf felt hurt and I even felt well...kinda mad and upset that my mate didnt like wolves.

"Nevermind sorry"he looked at me with a expression of sadness as he shook his head "will do wolves" he smiled back.

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned since just a second he said no with no hesitation

"Yea it ok and by the way the bell is gonna ring so see you at my house right?" He asked m

"Oh yea and dont worry eric can drive me over there"i smiled as the bell rang and he left saying bye.

Now im wondering why he said no to wolves it can be that he didnt like them or im acting weird to think he might be scared of them because he saw those werewolves as if I mean.....well he's a socerer...were enemiea after all I almost forgot but there has to be a reason he I know it might be sill of me but as a werewolf anything happens in my thoughts.

(Hmm can it be that daniel will reveal the truth....or will it be aby or maybe ramiro will figure out about daniels memory.....we all wont know until the next episode of the moon's love hope you guys enjoy please vote and comment)

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