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I wanted to scream, yell or just break something to vent my frustrations. If not for my cousin Liam who is already in my bed, I would be drinking my thoughts away. Christian is getting under my skin, fast. Earlier in the club, I had to curb my anger when I realized he had lied to me. So much for 'I will be working late but from home' bullshit. I had suggested we make a getaway to my suite for some hours, but he declined with a good reason, which I understood until I saw his face in that club. 

I threw my wet towel in the laundry basket and snuggled closer to Liam. He must have felt my emotions because he repositioned himself, laying my head on his slim chest, and he held me to sleep, no further words exchanged. 

When I woke up in the morning, I had a massive hangover. Tequila and I seem not to get along like we used to. 

Luckily, I had some Advil in my bathroom cabinets, which came in handy. 

I checked on Liam briefly before I hopped into the shower and got ready for work. 

“ Good morning, Elizabeth.” 

She smiled kindly, offering her good mornings as well, as she passed my usual coffee mug. 

“There is a boy upstairs, tend to his needs,” I murmured before departing. In the car, the atmosphere was tense. Yusuf's eyes were on the road, and Chris seemed to have discovered something new about his hand. I was left to stare at my phone. I took the opportunity to send my uncle a message letting him know I couldn't change his stubborn son's mind. 

I let my thoughts wander to the boy next to me. His bottom sucked between his teeth and I wanted nothing more than to taste it. 

I can't stop lusting at him, nor can I get him off my damn mind. Just having him so close has my blood simmering, and I have to keep picturing my old man to prevent growing an erection. 

I miss him. Not this closed-off him, rather the carefree tease who is shy at times but a complete sweetheart nevertheless.

“ Have the finance mail you the monthly budget and other pending payments.” I said curtly once we stepped out of the elevators. 

“Can we talk?” he asked just as I was about to enter my office. “I need to clear some things up with you.” 

“Okay,” I responded, too eagerly, for I was itching to have an alone moment together.  We sat on the same couch we had christened months ago. There was a minute of silence between us, neither knowing where to start. 

“I am in love with you, Alex,”

Bombshell! My breath held as I stared at Christian, not knowing what to say. 

I froze in my seat, cursing him, for throwing around those words. How can he love me?

It suddenly felt just yesterday when I had walked down the aisle with a man as we declared our eternal love for each other. 

“ I am not expecting you to say it back.” He continued, “I just wanted to let you know how I feel and for you to understand why we can't keep sneaking around anymore.  You made it clear it was just fun for you. And frankly so was I in the beginning, but somewhere along the line, I dared hope we could be more. But I was wrong. " He fidgeted with his fingers, not daring to hold my stare. 

“ Okay,” it's the only word I could conjure in my head, considering. 

“ Can I ask why, at least?” Chris mumbled, raising his gaze. 

“ I was once married…” 

Chris kept silent as I gave him a tale of love and me. 

“We both got some fathers, uh." Chris blurted after a thoughtful silence. I chuckled bitterly as I stood and walked towards the window. Chris rose and walked to me with a cautious expression. “ I am sorry, Alex," he breathed, holding my hands in his slender ones. “I want you to know I would never do that to you.” He added, making me snatch my hands out of his. 

“ It doesn't matter," I hissed. 

“ I understand…” He murmured and made for the door, but I held him back and hugged him. “ I am sorry I hurt you, Chris. I should have told you my stand on the matter from the beginning. " 

“As you said, it doesn't matter now.” He whispered, tightening his hold on me. After a minute or so, he pulled back, and with a sad smile, he walked out of my office, and to some extent out of my life too. I took a few breaths and concentrated on the days' task, for I couldn't risk getting distracted now. Not when I am this close to expanding my brand in Uganda.  I need to ensure it runs smoothly. 

“ What is it?”  I grumbled five hours later when my intercom rang. 

“ There is a Mr. Jake here for you, sir. “ Christian said softly. 

“ Send him in.” I hung up. 

“ Really?” I drawled dryly once Jake locked the door. I knew he had just dropped by to see Chris better. 

“Mhm… “ He hummed playfully, taking a seat as he crossed his hands over his chest and leaned further back on the chair. 

“ What?” 

“ He is different," Jake answered.

“ And?” 

“ You obviously like him, bro, And I think he likes you too. "

“He loves me,” I said arrogantly.

“He just told me” I added nonchalantly before he could ask how I knew. 

“ Then what's the problem?”  He asked, rising to his feet and headed to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. My expression was that of incredulity, wondering if it was a serious question.  After everything he knew, he should know what the problem is. I chose not to answer, but it didn't stop him from speaking his mind.  

“He is not James, dammit!” He snapped, “Not everyone is James.” 

“ I can't get hurt again. And you should understand that, more than anyone else. "

“ I do, but I also want you to be happy.” 

“ I am,” 

“Are you?” Jake asked, lowering on the chair. He crossed his legs, leaned back, and waited for my response.  

“He is a huge risk,” I told truthfully. “I am not ready to try down that road again. " Before Jake could respond, the door was knocked and upon authorizing entry, the said risk peeked in shyly. “ Sir…”

 HIS MAID's SON✔           (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now