The Epic Fight! Or Maybe Not...

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      "Sensei when will we be training?" Todoroki asks while completely forgetting that Yaoyorozu was still here. "Wait, what do you mean by Sensei?!" She asks while looking straight at me. I glare at Todoroki for saying the name, but then sigh. "He's my Disciple. Why you got a problem with that? Candy Cane, we'll train when I find a place far from here." I state and I can feel Yaoyorozu glaring daggers at me.

Todoroki's Pov:

    "You know me and Tokoroki are the recommended right?" Yaoyorozu asks with a smug smirk trying to one up my new Sensei. "Wow, good job Todoroki!" Y/N says with a small smile and a hint of amusement in her voice. She pats my back which I am guessing is as light as she can, due to her amazing strength. I blush softly as I excepted the praise gratefully. "Thank you Sensei!" I say while bowing my head lightly. When I look up I see Yaoyorozu giving Sensei a soft glare. She's probably competing to be stronger than her too! I look back to Y/N seeing her sitting quietly drinking her tea. She then snapped her finger taking me out of my trance. "I got it! Todoroki I got a new goal for you," she says happily and went to continue. "What is it?!" Yaoyorozu asks a bit to eagerly, making Y/N sweat drop slightly. "Um, to aim for the top of the class and be number 1." She says looking back at me, I look up to her surprised. "You mean I have to beat you in a fight?!" I ask and she nods while stirring her tea softly. "Yup." I glance down and looked back up to her. "Do you really think I can beat you?" She nods at my question and drinks the rest of her tea. She put down a tip on the table and started to head out. "Work Hard Todo." She says while waving and walking off.

That's when I look over to Yaoyorozu when Y/N was out of ear shot. "What do you want?" I asked her in an emotionless tone, while catching her off guard and my sudden change of mood. "I saw you and Y/N in here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi..." she says softly, that's when I got up and started to head towards the door. "If you hurt her I will not hesitate to hurt you back." She nods quickly and looks up to me. "Not like I was going to do anything to her anyway. I just want to be friends." She states while standing up as well. That's when I turn and leave, 'I've had enough of her today.'

Timeskip to School:

Y/N's Pov:

     I got to school a bit early today so I took out an alarm clock and set it next to me, while getting ready to take a nap. I fell into the darkness they call sleep, when a big Monster smashed through the gigantic doors to 1 A. It looks right at me, grabbing me and then chucking me across the school to the school yard. That's when I got a good look at it, the teeth were outside of it's mouth as if there was no lips on it, its face skull like with a strong figure. "Who are you?!" I ask in a bland tone. My nap was interrupted! "Who am I? Why, I am a warrior of the undead and this earth belongs to us!" It says with a deep tone. That's when it points at you, "We have killed thousands and now it's your turn to parish and join our side!"

3rd Person's Pov:

    The warrior let's out a deep and husk laugh, and when he looks down he just sees the girl picking in her ear. "Yeah no can do." She states bluntly and then looks up to him. "You see I'm the protector of this earth and if you want to dominate the world then you have to go through me first!" She yells at him while pointing to her chest. The Creature was a bit taken back by the girls tiny rant. Surprised that she wasn't screaming or begging for her life, but this girl was pissing him off. That's when a few of his colleagues show up. The girl squares up, "Come in let's fight! I still got a class I have to go too!" That's when a Warrior pounces at her while punching at her. The girl blocks and she moves a couple of inches, she smirks and looks up at him. "Alright. My turn." That's when she punched it right in the torso making it explode. The force making sharp pieces of bone fly at the others, some killing them and others wounding them. They all looked at her in shock, this tiny girl could with stand a punch from them that could destroy a whole block! None the less she killed so many of the Warriors with just hitting one!
     The Warriors start to panic and whip out their swords and all charging at her at once, dog piling her. That's when she bolted up in the air while kneeing some of the undead, sending some of their guts everywhere. This just angered them more and some swing their swords at her, she blocked their weak attempts of swinging a sword, while standing in the middle of the chaos. 'This feeling...' she thinks. They all piled on her once again making her jump once more but using more power. She kills them all in the jump while making an explosion! (Some awesome effects!) 'This feeling I've been itching for after I lost Sensei!'  That's till the General comes out and looks down at the girl, that had a wild fire in her eyes. "I see, You are our true enemy. What are you?" The giant skeletal frame of a buff man asks. "Oh, I'm just a hero for fun... and the protector of the Earth. So if you got a problem with Earth you gotta go through me first!" The hero says while pointing at her chest. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair, swaying in the wind with the fire in her now bright (e/c) eyes. That's when the General wielded his back arm ready to swing his sword. That's when they both sprung into action and lunged at the other. 'This is it! This is the fight I've been waiting for!'


      That's when a hand slammed on a desk stopping an alarm clock from bugging the sleep that the girl was getting. Everyone in the room flinched in the room and looked at the girl. A huge hole was in the floor at where the alarm clock used to be. She blinks and slowly sits up and rubs her head. "Oh it was a dream." She says disappointed. That's until they all hear a crash, the once drowsy girl sprung up and dashed right to the sound. "We are the Warriors of the Undead! We will conquer this puny Earth!" A voice was heard and that's when the girl jumped out of the window landing right on the one that spoke, while killing him instantly. "Alright! Who's next!" The girl asks while raising her fist in the air with a fire in her eyes that hasn't burned since she met her Sensei and taught her everything he knew. That's until she looks down and sees white flags with creatures running away from her. "Uh..." she looked around in disbelief while the fire stopped burning immediately in her eyes. "Y/N!!" A gruff voice yelled out to her. The said girl turned around to see Aizawa staring angrily down at her form, from the second floor. She tilts her head and itches her cheek, "Woops..." She says while looking at the flags and back to Aizawa.

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