A New Friend. What Did I Do Now?

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Third Person:

Sitting at a local ramen booth, the young male, with black hair, dull blue eyes, and scars from burns all over his skin, eats his meal in peace. The chair moves next to him and he doesn't pay any attention to it. "One Udon please." A female sounding voice says next to the male. "Ah, you are back again? What is this the third time this week?" The old man from behind the counter asks. "Don't make it sound like something that isn't good, old man." The female says back with spunk. That's when the old man laughed at her and gave her a bowl of Udon. The young man next to her, glanced over to her to get a better look at her. Her h/l, h/c was tied back,(if you have short hair it's a barrette), her eyes were closed as she was thanking for her meal. Her s/c (skin color) skin gleamed under the light in the booth. The male grunts and turns back to his meal. "Hey, old man? How's the shop going, ya know after the last attack?" She asks while she eats her meal. "Oh, we don't have that much business anymore, but thank you for stopping anymore damage from happening. I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost this place." The old man chuckled, while he thanked the small girl. The younger male couldn't help but feel intrigued by the conversation and listened in on it while he ate. "Well, it was a weak opponent anyways. Nothing really exciting." She said while scratching her cheek. "Weak Opponent?!" The old man asks in shock, "That thing was almost as tall as an apartment complex!" The man exclaimed while sweat dropping at the thought. The younger male couldn't help but feel surprised, a small girl could defeat a villain that size? That's when the girl notices him, "Oh, hi! I didn't see you there!" She smiles at him, finally seeing her dull e/c eyes he blinked at her before he answered. "Hello, the names Dabi. How did you defeat the villain?" He asks while eating his meal. "Oh, well, I punched it." The male now known as Dabi looks at her in shock. "Eh- What's your quirk?" He asks while looking at her skeptically. "Wow, you people ask that a lot. I don't have a quirk." She states while finishing her meal and puts money down for her meal. That's when she started to walk out.

Dabi's Pov:

     "A wonder ain't she?" The old man behind the bar asks. "Yes, but how did she really defeat the villain?" I asked while looking down at my meal. "Just how she said, she punch the villain to death! One punch is all it took for her too. The strange thing is that she claims that she only defeats monsters and doesn't fight people. Learned it from her master, the only one that can beat her." He explained, I then put money down. "Thank you." I then ran out to go find this mysterious girl. When I saw her being confronted by a slime villain. "Why aren't you running?! You are just a pint sized snack for a villain like me!" The slime screamed at her, the girl just started to walk around him. "Hey! You little twerp get back here!" That's when the slime charged at her, the girl turned slightly and raised her fist up, just in time when the slime ran right into it and it exploded. Dabi stopped in his tracks looking at the girl with wide and frightful eyes.
   "H-hey!" Dabi yelled across the scene. "What's your name?" He asks while also not getting on your bad side. "Huh? Oh it's (Y/n), why?" Dabi looked around if anybody was around. "Follow me, (Y/n)." He says to her while turning around and heading the opposite direction from the girls apartment. "W-wait..." (Y/n) tried to eject but it was to late, she sighed and jogged over to him. 'What did I do now?' She ponders as they both stop at the park. Dabi turned around and looked (Y/n) dead in the eyes only saying two words. "Fight me."

Third Pov:

     (Y/n) stepped back slightly taken back. "W-woah. Listen, I know you must be a strong opponent since you are asking out of the blue to fight. But! I don't think that's a good idea..." She says as she watches the boy eye her from the distance they made. (Y/n) took a step closer with her hand out to reassure that she wasn't going to fight, but Dabi jumped back and got in his fighting stance. Blue flames erupt from the palms of his hands as he gets ready to lunge at her. (Y/n) scratches the back of her head wondering what she did to provoke the boys actions. While she was thinking, Dabi lunges at her getting ready to punch her, but when he got close to her cheek that she could feel the flames from up close. He missed? Dabi quickly turned around, while frantically looking for the girl. Once he sees her where he was just standing moments before he lunged at her, he was dumbfounded. "H-how?" He asks her and she looks at him, "Are we done yet? I have school tomorrow and I need to sleep." She tells him, he tchs, and lunges for her again and again and again. But he kept hitting the air every time. Dabi started to get sick and tired of her dodging so he gave up. "Fine... you win... but just know I will bring the others." He says while out of breath that's when he turns and leaves without saying another word. (Y/n) just watches him while he leaves and shrugs, and goes home. Once (Y/n) gets home she gets ready for bed and plops on her bed, finally relaxes. "What a day." She sighs to herself as she slowly drifts off to another dreamless slumber.

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