Chapter 10

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The day had come. The day that Henry had been dreading, Evie's wedding day. He was sitting on his bed, just thinking to himself when Mal, Jay, and Carlos walked into the room all dressed up.

"Hey Henry." Mal said gently. "Are you going to the wedding?" She knew the answer, but she just wanted to make sure.

"No. I can't, it would be too hard. But you guys go on, have a good time." He told them sadly.

"It's ok, man. We completely understand." Jay said patting Henry's back.

"Are you guys serious?" Carlos asked as he was surprised that no one seemed to be against the marriage anymore. "Henry needs to go to that wedding, declare his love for Evie and object the marriage!"

"Carlos, what is there to declare?" Henry asked looking at the white-haired boy. "She already knows everything that I feel, and yet she still chose Doug. I tried guys. I really did. But it's too late."

"Guys, let's just go, ok? Evie expects us to be there." Mal told Jay and Carlos, who nodded their heads. And once they had gone, Henry let out a few tears. He had lost his true love forever, all because he had chosen Arrendelle and his love for tourney, over Evie.

But that's when he realized that Carlos was right, he had to go to that wedding, declare his love for Evie once more, and object their marriage. But he had to hurry, because the wedding would be starting in less than an hour. He grabbed his jacket and ran out of his dorm and out of the University, and to his truck.

He drove as fast as he could without going over the speed limit, but he had to go as fast as possible otherwise he would be too late. Later than he already was, of course. Why did the venue have to be so far away?

But then, all of a sudden his truck began making unusual noises, before slowing down. And Henry realized that his truck had run out of gas. He slammed the wheel in frustration.

"Why didn't I get fuel yesterday?" He asked himself.

Now he would never make it to Evie's wedding. He laid his head on the wheel in disappointment. Maybe this was a sign. A sign that he wasn't supposed to stop Evie and Doug's wedding. But he wasn't gonna give up that easily, he would, at least, try to make it, even though those chances weren't very likely. He quickly got out of his truck and began running as fast as he could. He didn't care how tired or how sweaty he would be when he walked into the church, all he cares about was getting there.

He ran forever, it seemed like. He was about ready to pass out, but he couldn't stop. Not even for a second. He had to get there. And when the church was finally in his sight, he ran even faster than he thought possible. And when he was standing in front of the church, he burst through the doors, only to be greeted by emptiness.

He ran his hands through his hair. He was too late. He sat down in one of the pews and just tried not to cry even more. Why did he ever break up with Evie? She was the love of his life. And if he had stayed for her, maybe he would be in this church for a different reason.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the doors open, he snapped his head to the door to see Evie standing there in her wedding dress. Henry stood up as he took in the sight of her.

"Henry? What are you doing here?" She asked him, confused as to why he was there.

"I came here to declare my love for you, one last time. And object your marriage." He told her as tears fell from his eyes. "But clearly, I'm too late. Evie, I know I've said this more than a million times. But Evie, I love you. I'm always going to love you. I love you with everything that I am. And I know I'm telling a married woman that I'm in love with her, but Evie, you're just someone I'm never going to get over."

Hearing those words come from Henry, put Evie in tears as well.
"Henry, I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry Doug." Henry was shocked with those words. She didn't marry Doug. But Henry listened to her, as she continued to speak. "As I stood at the alter, I realized that I never truly loved Doug, I just thought I did. I thought that if I were to be with him then maybe the pain I felt over losing you would go away. I guess you can say the pain went away, but all it really did was numb it a little. But seeing you again, brought it all back, and I was determined to stay with Doug. But as we were about to say our vows, I had to stop lying to myself. Henry, I love you. I always have...And I always will. For the rest of my life."

And as she cried she ran to Henry, grabbed his face and smashed her lips onto his. And Henry, well, if course he kissed her back. He kissed her with as much passion as he could possibly put into that kiss. And they only pulled away when they needed to take a breath. And they looked into each other's eyes, and smiled.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you!" Evie told him.

"Oh, you'd be surprised." He replied.

Evie giggled before she connected their lips again. This time, they would be together forever. And nothing, could ever tear them apart.


A week later, Mal, Jay, and Carlos were hanging out at the amphitheater doing some fencing against each other.

"You know? I'm so glad Evie turned Doug down at the wedding. Have any of you heard if Evie and Henry ever got back together?" Carlos asked.

Mal and Jay shook their heads. "I haven't heard. But I have seen." Mal said making Jay and Carlos look at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"I mean, that I saw Henry and Evie making out under the bleachers yesterday. So I'd say they're back together. I knew they would."

Jay and Carlos smiled as they all high-fived each other. They were happy for their friends.

But Mal had an idea pop into her head, and the smirk that appeared on her face terrified Jay and Carlos. She only smirked like that when she was plotting something evil.

"Uh-oh Mal's up to something." Carlos said.

"I'll be right back." She said leaving the amphitheater and heading towards the dorms.

And when she made it to a certain dwarf's dorm, she quickly knocked on the door, which was almost immediately opened.

"Oh hey Mal. I'm sorry but I have to go somewhere." Doug said trying to leave, but Mal blocked his exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked him.

"To win back Evie."

"I don't think so." Mal said cracking her knuckles.

Doug gulped as he ran back into his dorm and jumped out of his window and began running for his life. Mal just laughed a little evil. She too, jumped out the window as began chasing Doug. But boy, was that need fast. Mal decided the fastest way to catch him was to turn into a dragon. So that's what she did, and she flew at lightening speed towards him, she landed right in front of him. She didn't even give him a chance to scream before she lit him on fire. And he was immediately burnt to a crisp, until he was nothing but a pile of ashes. And Mal, well, she was very pleased with herself as she just turned back to her human form and just blew his ashes away. And then she walked casually back to the University.

She sighed in contentment. "Best ending ever!" She said to herself.

And I can honestly say that they all lived Happily Ever After!

The End!!!

A/N: I know I said I had two chapters left, but I just decided to do it one chapter. But unfortunately we have reached the end. And if you haven't guessed it by now, yes, I am a Doug hater and a Devie hater. Anyway I would like to thank you all for reading this, I deeply appreciate it. Now if any of you have any suggestions for a book that you would want me to write, feel free to let me know! And please let me know what you thought of this chapter. And I would also like to know what your favorite part in this story was! Thank you once again for reading, and I will see you all in my next book!!!

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