Day One- Journey Begins!

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"No fire types allowed!!"
This was the rule my mom reminded me of every day. Fire is dangerous, and is not safe in the hands of a kid like myself. I can go out on my infamous Pokemon journey so long as I collect no fire type Pokemon. My parents both favor grass and bug type Pokemon, so it only makes sense for them to dislike fire types.
My parents didn't let me leave to house until I was thirteen instead of ten for 'safety reasons'. I finally was able to persuade my parents to let me leave, but only on the idea that since Unova has no fire-type gym leaders, I would be safe.
On this morning, I'm more than excited to get away from my house, my parents, my little sister, and to start a new life, joining the world of those who battle, compete, and eventually might become champions. I wear a plaid red flannel shirt with a brown jacket overtop, as it it once again snowy in Iccurrus, my home town. My hair is short and curly, with the curls floating around my head in a sort of cloud. My dad has already entrusted me with his pride and joy, a pure-bred turtwig, the child of two of his prize-winning Pokemon. Turtwig's pokeball sits in one of the special compartments on my belt as I strap my snow boots on. My backpack is filled with all sorts of things, mostly food and clothes. I have a sleeping bag and tent that both fold up to be super compact and fit in my backpack. My mom packed lots of berries and Pokemon food in with my other food, along with instructions from my dad on how to care for his baby Turtwig.
"Melody, you be careful, okay? Call us every night. Write letters, send postcards, anything."
"Don't worry mom." I say. "You'll hear all about what I'm doing. Just relax."
"Take good care of Turtwig." My dad instructs. The easiest gym is in Aspertia. It's a normal-type gym, should be a synch for my sweet little Turtwig. You'll have to take the ship in Castelia to get there, so head southwest of here towards Mistralton first."
"I hear that Elliott is heading down to Aspertia to get his first badge as well." My mom says. "Catch a few more Pokemon and you'll be able to get that badge in no time."
Elliott is the neighbor kid we've lived next to for years. He just started his Pokemon journey late like me, only a couple days ago.
"Okay, well, I'll talk to you guys later." I say. "I love you, bye."
I turn and start walking down the driveway only to hear my parents sniffling. I ignore it and head towards route 7.
After a bit of walking, I let Turtwig out of his pokeball to see if he wants to walk with me.
"Do you mind walking in the snow, Turtwig?" I ask. "If not, I can carry you."
Turtwig stares up at me blankly. I take a few steps to see if he will follow, but he doesn't.
"Come on now," I say. Turtwig turns his head in contempt.
"Fine, whatever." I click the button on his pokeball, but he shoots a razor leaf at it, knocking it from my hand. Before I can bend down to grab the ball, he runs off into the brush.
After hours of searching for my fathers beloved Pokemon, I find nothing. It's starting to get dark now, but the next town is still far away. Iccurrus is just as far behind me. I guess I have no choice but to set up here for the night.
I find a clearing where overhead tree branches have protected the ground from the snow. I set up my little tent, which is quite hard to do on frozen ground. Once I'm inside with my sleeping bag, it's not quite so cold. I decide to sleep in my clothes because they're much thicker than my pajamas. Before going to sleep I pull up the xtransceiver on my c-gear and call my parents to show them that I'm still alive after one day.
"Where's my Turtwig?" My dad asks. I'm already prepared for this question.
"Sleeping in his pokeball, better not wake him now." I lie, holding up his pokeball.
"Good." My dad says.
I tell my parents goodnight before hanging up, sighing in relief that they didn't find out about Turtwig. I'll tell them eventually. If I told them now, they'd make me turn around and come right back home. I'll catch a new Pokemon in the morning, maybe an ice type. Someone who can be my real partner.

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