Day Three- First Battles!

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In the morning I pack up my stuff and get ready to head out. I get breakfast from a nice little café in Mistralton while Torchic enjoys some more pokemon food. We start out on route 6, strolling along until I hear yelling.
"Hey! You!" I hear someone shout. I look around until I see a boy pointing at me.
"Me?" I ask.
"Yeah, you." He says. "I challenge you to a battle!"
A battle! I realize that I've never actually battled before. I feel a sort of panic coming on.
"I uh- I don't know-" I stutter.
"Come on now, don't back out on me. I can tell you're a new trainer, I'll go easy on you."
"I guess..." I say. I look down at Torchic. "Are you ready to battle?"
Torchic nods and jumps out to stand in front of me.
"Go! Audino!" The trainer boy calls, tossing a pokeball in the air. The pink pokemon emerges and lands on the ground, facing Torchic. Now, what type is Audino again?
"You can start whenever you're ready, okay?" The boy calls.
"Okay." I call back. I take a deep breath. What type of moves would Torchic know? I don't know much about fire-type moves...
"Um, Torchic, use Ember!" I command nervously, hoping this is a move it knows. Torchic jumps into action, shooting little bits of fire and hitting Audino spot-on. I feel a sense of achievement and can't help but smile to see what I've done.
"Audino, use Pound!"
The pokemon jumps up, aiming to land on Torchic.
"Torchic, look out!" I shout. Torchic jumps to the side, causing Audino to smash into the ground.
"Shake it off, use double slap!" The trainer says. Audino turn around and starts hitting Torchic. I feel tears form in my eyes to see little Torchic being beat up.
"Torchic, use ember again!" I shout. Torchic hits Audino again, causing it to stop for a moment to reset itself.
"Now use scratch!" I say. Torchic scratches Audino with its claws and the pokemon falls onto its back, defeated.
"Return." The other trainer says, bringing Audino back into its ball.
"Not bad." The trainer tells me.
"Really? That was my first time battling." I say, blushing.
"Wow, that's pretty impressive." He says, though I don't feel like I did anything impressive at all.
"Here." He hands me some money.
"What? I can't take this!" I say.
"You have to, it's for beating me." He explains. "That's how battling works, whoever loses has to pay the winner some prize money."
"That doesn't seem fair, but, I guess it is..." I say. "Well, thank you very much." I say. "Here, I can heal your pokemon-"
"Don't worry, we're just outside of town, Audino will be fine. Thanks for battling me, see ya later!"
The trainer waves before heading off towards Mistralton. I watch him go, then look at the money in my hands.
"Look what we got, Torchic." I say, showing it the money. It chirps with happiness. I realize that it has some scrapes on its face and is breathing a little deeper than normal.
"Here, eat this." I say, handing it a few berries. It eats them, and the craziest thing happens- I watch the scrapes disappear. Right in front of me, they just go away.
"Woah..." I say, staring at Torchic.
Torchic runs in a circle, chirping and chattering like it did before.
"Well you're obviously good as new." I say. "Do you like battling?"
Torchic nods and starts continuing down the trail.
"Wait up!" I call, jumping up to run after it. When I catch up, Torchic has already engaged in battle with another pokemon, a deerling.
"What are you doing??" I exclaim. Torchic looks back at me, waiting for me to give it a command.
"Um, use ember!" I say. Torchic obeys and shoots fire at the deerling, causing if to feint right away. I run over to it,
"Are you okay?" I ask. The pokemon wakes up and looks at me, then jumps up and runs off into the woods.
"Maybe we should stick to battling pokemon a little stronger, so it's not so unfair." I say. "Come on, Driftveil isn't too far away now."
The trail to Driftveil is shorter than the one between Iccurrus and Mistralton, and we make it there by the early afternoon. After some lunch, we head out to cross the Driftveil drawbridge. There are lots of trainers on the bridge that Torchic is begging to battle, but they are all far too strong for us, judging by the other battles I see them engaged in. On the other side of the bridge is Nimbasa, where we check in to another pokemon center.
The winter sun is setting early when we go out to explore the city.
"Torchic, look!" I exclaim, pointing up to the illuminated ferris wheel. I remember coming here once before, when I was younger. My dad rode with me up to the top of the ferris wheel, but my mom was too scared to come up with us. She remained on the ground and waved up at us.
I asked to come back before and was told 'Maybe another day'. Now, finally, I made it back here and I'm all by myself. Well, with Torchic. Just the two of us.
I send my mom a picture from the top of the ferris wheel just for kicks. There's a few little rides around the ferris wheel, but that's all I wanted to ride. We get dinner at a restraunt, which proves to be more expensive than i was expecting. Afterwords we check out what's going on in the sports domes, and they're both packed. A baseball game in one and a tennis match in the other. All teams I'm not familiar with.
"Are you ready to rest for the night?" I ask Torchic. It responds with a yawn, which I assume is a yes. I pick Torchic up and it falls asleep in my arms before we even make it back to the pokemon center.

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