Day Four - A Long Day

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A desert during the winter is a disaster waiting to happen. Normally a desert would be in a hot climate close to the equator, but the desert between Nimbasa and Castelia gets snow in the winter, because someone had this stupid idea to have a desert in a place where the weather changes. With snow and sand whipping around in every direction, it's hard to even see which direction you're walking in. I have to stuff Torchic in my coat so that it doesn't blow away. Poor bird. We tried walking at first but it kept being lifted up by the wind.

Since no one else is crazy enough to go out in this weather, We're alone in our travel through the desert. When we reach Castelia, I feel as if there's a possibility that I have sand stuck to every inch of my body. I unzip my jacket and Torchic hops out. It shakes off on the sidewalk and a cloud of sand comes off, floating away.

"I know how you feel." I say. I shake off a little and sand falls off of me too. "We need some showers."

A map of Castelia shows that there's an indoor hot spring on the western side of the city. I take a shower at the pokemon center and hose Torchic off as much as I can. A note for future reference- fire type pokemon do not like being sprayed with water.

At the hot spring we shower again, and I'm pretty sure I have all the sand off this time. No one seems to go to the hot spring on a week day, so it's just Torchic and I.

"You know you can come in." I say to Torchic. It looks down at the water nervously.

"It's hot water, I bet you'd like it." I say. Torchic finally joins me and rests on a smaller shelf in the water designed for pokemon to sit on. It relaxes immediately, and seems to enjoy it.

After out hot spring bath we bundle up again and buy a ticket for the boat to Virbank. I'm the only person outside on the deck, looking at the icy water. The other passengers are inside the cabin of the boat, but I don't mind the cold wind. Torchic stands at my feet, chattering to me as if its talking. I can see Castelia growing smaller in the distance.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see you on your own." I hear. I turn around to see who's talking. A boy about my age is standing there. Blonde hair, brown eyes. He looks so familiar yet strange, changed since I last saw him.

"Elliot?" I ask.

"Nice to see you again." He says. "To think- we were neighbors but a week ago, yet haven't talked since elementary school."

"I have reasons for not talking to you." I say defiantly.

"Well you're just as rebellious as ever." He says.

"Rebellious! How is that?"

"Don't think I don't know about your parents rule. You're not supposed to play with fire- but what's that pokemon there? Could it be, with the flame shape on its head, a Torchic, the fire-type pokemon?"

"Shut up." I say.

"You know I have your parents numbers, right?" He asks.


"They gave them to me before I left home. In case I ever needed to call them." He pulls up a contact picture of my parents on the projection from the xtranciever.

"You wouldn't." I say.

"I am." He replies with a mischievous grin.

I jump at him and try to grab the c-gear, but he holds it out of my reach, then clicks the button on the side. I hear the phone dialing sound, and my parents answer almost right away.

"Oh, Elliot, hello!" My mom greets him.

"Look who I found!" Elliot exclaims, turning the camera to face me. I smile and wave, then shoot an angry glare at him when he turns it around again.

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