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An hour later they arrived

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An hour later they arrived. A long street led to their mansion. The finca is surrounded by a big wall made out of stone, much bigger than a usual fence. Also provided with big trees, mediterranean cypress, adding several large shadows on the big green front yard.

Taehyung has never seen a healthier garden before. It's not only rich of plants and trees. Bees are humming and birds are nestling in the twigs of every sort of tree. It's beautiful, stunning, almost elusive.

A young lady greeted them. She had beautiful hair. Long, almost black with curls, you can only see in commercials. Her figure is slim and in her hand she's holding a board, papers on top of it. Taehyung can feel Jimin's concerned stare down his leg where blood is soaking through his trousers. It's not a lot and after the ride Taehyung can't even feel it pulsing anymore. It must have been something else that he heard breaking in the fields because his leg feels totally fine.

He is so full of joy over their new house that every other emotion is pushed away. Taehyung is fully overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that he took Jimin's hand in his own. The lady only spared their intertwined hands one look. Not more. She accepts it, or at least professionally ignores it, and continues by telling them important thing's about the house. Where to put the keys, about various doors, the basement and more.

Jimin underestimated the large property. The lady showed them around but it felt surreal. Back in the States he was used to a terrace house on the outer part of the town. It was already big then but their finca now is something else. A place at least 10 people could live without annoying each other because there would be enough space for everyone to avoid each other.

The house is equipped with marble floors and luxury leather couches. A big fireplace and multiple little fountains. Jimin is awestruck. His mouth is hanging open. Just a bit. But enough to drive Taehyung crazy. Taehyung imagines how some saliva is slowly dripping over his lower lip. His wonderful, plump, rosy lip. Italy is not a dream anymore, it's a dead-serious reality now. Even though it doesn't feel like it yet. Their bodies aren't used to the heat, both of them are sweating and Taehyung knows that his back and arms are clammy. His shirt's slightly sticking to it.

During their home tour, the couple doesn't speak a lot with each other. It's their interactive body language that speaks more than words ever could. The small touches, glances and smiles they exchange. These matter the world to them. Lastly said lady just opened the spacious windowed-panorama door to their garden. Taehyung used that moment of her turning away from them to lean down to whisper something in Jimin's ear ''I can't wait to rip my damp clothes off and take a bath with you in that huge bathtub''. Jimin's cheeks immediately heat up and a blush is creeping onto his face.

Before Jimin could say anything back the lady eyes him suspiciously. They didn't realize she already turned back around. Facing them. Jimin giggles and hides his face behind his small hand. Taehyung couldn't care less then smirk. He knows that the lady probably thinks of all absurd, scandalous and filthy words he could have said to Jimin, to get him in this obviously flustered state. But she keeps ignoring it. Instead she gestures outside. Outside to the vineyards. It's already noon but people are still working there in the bright sun, only protected with hats and partly also with headscarfs. The men are shirtless their bodies shining with because the sun rays are reflected by their sweat. It's like their muscular bodies are gleaming and sparkling. An unnatural sight compared to the formally dressed businessmen in the United States. Woman are never seen in the rush hour. They only hours later are found in grocery stores thinking of what to cook. Now they are side to side to the men on the fields helping them picking up ripe fruits.

''Wow!'' Jimin whispers and gets through the big door, confronted by another heatwave. Luckily their home is isolated in a way where it feels almost chilly. The brick prevents the warmness from entering it. ''Taehyung, look!'' Jimin exclaims in joy, almost childish. But Taehyung understood the euphoric because he felt it too. The excitement.

''How long these farmers are working here?'' Taehyung asks the lady. She glances from the fields back to Taehyung ''10 hours a day'' she answers. She seems like she wants to add something but she keeps quiet. ''What is it?'' Taehyung eventually asks after a moment of silence. ''Treat them well, they work hard and for some of them it's the only chance for work'' She finally says. Her italian accent makes it kind of hard to understand. But Taehyung agrees. He wants this to work and he will do anything to make it happen. He might not truly understand her reasons but he bets she has them.

She simply nods. She seems unusual stiff but keeps talking again. ''Did you understand everything?'' She asks. Taehyung and Jimin both agree and she left soon after. Taehyung couldn't have waited any longer. As soon as they can hear her drove off Taeyhung gropes his large arms around Jimin and lifts him up in the air. Jimin starts screaming, kicking but that doesn't stop Taehyung from doing so.  He carries the smaller, more fragile man to the living room. ''Tae, Tae so please just stop!'' He screams on top of his lungs. But he keeps laughing and by the little pokes Taehyung is giving him. Jimin is ticklish, a weakness Taehyung likes to take advance of.

Somehow Taehyung finds his way to the living room. He throws Jimin on the big leather couch and climbs on top of him. Jimin's laughter stops abruptly when he figured out what is going on. The position they are in. A shy smile stretches across his face which Taehyung returns. ''I couldn't wait any longer'' Taehyung admits and starts kissing his partner's earlobes.  Jimin starts breathing heavily. ''Me too. It's so beautiful'' He murmurs into the side of Taehyung's nape. Taehyung only leaves an agreeing sound from his mouth and continues to splatter kisses down Jimin's throat. He gently sucks at Jimin's skin when he can finally feel Jimin slowly gripping his hair. His fingers run through Taehyung's short neatly cut hair. ''You know growing them out now wouldn't be a problem..'' Jimin whispers but Taehyung ignores it keeping kissing his body down. His slender fingers slide below Jimin's shirt, tickling his soft skin.

Taehyung ignores Jimin's screech and starts groping his behind. Jimin knows exactly where this is going and he loves it. Back in their hometown, he must have kept his mouth shut. Neighbors could have heard him. But now he feels free. Letting out a small moan Taehyung looks up. Jimin deadly in the eyes. Jimin feels his partner's eyes on him and opens them to take a look at Taehyung who has stopped with his actions. ''What?'' Jimin breathes out. Uncertainty in his voice. ''Keep going. Be as loud as you want. I beg you'' Taheyung simply answers and now nothing is holding them anymore. They kiss, sloppily. They touch each other, gripping their flesh. Clothes falling off, getting ripped open. Everything happens so fast.

They end up having sex not once, not twice. But multiple times. Taehyung imagines hearing the birds in the morning when he finally closed his eyes. Tomorrow will be another day. The first real day of their new life. A life he imagined having with Jimin, forever. After making love to him today he knew that life will always be like that. But things will turn out differently because life is never how you imagine it to be. Life surprises you whenever you don't expect it. Sometimes it will affect you in a positive way and other times it will feel like it's falling apart but in the end, it turns out to be the best that has ever happened to you.

The rock rose in Taehyungs backyard will change his life. Unfortunately, he doesn't know it yet.

 Unfortunately, he doesn't know it yet

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