Long shot ahead!!!!

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Kicking the roadside pebbles, his thoughts dwelled upon the fight (which according to him was outrageously silly), he had with his One year old girlfriend and 3 year old bestfriend /crush.

Veer and Tara had met in their first year of college and clicked instantly.
From being acquintances to being best of friends and lastly to being lovers, 3 years have passed with a whole lot of changing emotions and feelings.

It seems as if it was just yesterday when they had met.

He was irrevocably in love with Tara, but that naive girl thinks otherwise.

'Don't you love me anymore? '
That's what she had asked during their free lecture, courtesy of the professor being absent.

'What?' He had sputtered out.

'You don't spend time with me, always busy. You don't even pickup my calls now. And when you do, you always finish off our conversation within 5 minutes. '
She tried to speak boldly but her meek and gentle voice didn't allow her to do so.

'How is even these things related to my love for you. You are talking absurd. Anyways, finish this off fast, I have to go to Kabir's'
He spoke, eyeing the sandwich which was still half eaten.

This girl eats like a snail. Her size is also like a snail, small and compact. If possible, he'd carry her everywhere in his pocket.

'See, even now you are running off to Kabir. You are rushing me to eat fast too. You know that I will get coughing fits if I do so. '
She accused.

'Tara, I need to go to Kabir's because we have an assignment due. And right now, whatever you are speaking is completely illogical. '
He told her in a calm way, bringing her closer to him.

'Logic, logic, logic. Not everything is about logic Veer. Emotions are involved too. "
Her voice was literally on the verge of breaking.

But Veer didn't pay it any attention. His patience was too running on a thin line.

'Tara, you should go home. And talk to me when you'd have your emotions collected. '
He told her or rather ordered her in a polite manner.
His polite was equal to the rudeness showed towards that nosy relative who's always curious about your life happening.

He broke away from her slightly teary gaze, turned around shaking his head and walked towards his late grandparents house while his thoughts, still hanging on their recent fight.


The house was going to be sold, so his mother has asked him to collect all the belongings of her late In-laws.

At first, he was against the thought of selling his grandparents house.
But what could a 21 years old say in family matters.

'It's a matter of adults . You aren't old enough to be allowed to involve here.'
That's how he was shushed up by his dad.
Um hello... He is an adult. He was an adult since last 4 years.
But arguing off with his father was of no use. His word is the final word.

Reaching upto his grandma's house, all of Veer's childhood memories evoked.
He loved those two old people like a normal grandchild would.
Exaggerating that he shared some extra-ordinary loving relationship with his amma baba ( grandma-grandpa) would be nothing else but a lie.

The summer vacations till he had reached puberty, has been spent here.

A small house, located just at the boundary of the metropolitan city.

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