Tryin to make it pay

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Gaga's pov:

"Dammit Gaga can't you just listen to me, once?" My manager yelled at me angrily. "Not when you're trying to make stupid, shallow decisions about MY career on MY behalf." I replied, just as angrily. He sighed and rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "Whatever. It's already done. Austin Gray is attending your show on Friday night, and I already offered him luxury treatment. He's bringing his girlfriend, they're hanging out backstage after the show." I groaned, "Francis, this guy is so shallow. I am fine with him attending a show, but not with having to spend time with him afterwards." "Well that's just too bad Stefani, it's already done." He got up and left, leaving me to roll my eyes at his use of my real name. I left the room in an angry stride, barely noticing that Tara was standing just a few feet away from the door. "Gags." She said, instantly causing my heart to flutter. "Tara!" I cried giddily, running to hug her. "You're back!! How was your vacation?" I asked, filling with so much happiness at the sight of my best friend. "It was grand, but I missed the hell out of you of course!" She replied with a sweet smile.

After seeing Tara, the unpleasant parts of my morning faded away, and I was able to go about my day in a better mood. Until, of course, I started receiving emails about my show Friday, most of which having to do with Austin Gray's appearance. I was expected to be friendly with him, and take selfies to post everywhere. Free publicity. All Francis wanted was for me to pose and be pretty with this teenage asshole, because it'd look good in the media. I found myself missing that quiet day I had in the park a few days before, and my mind wandered back to the girl I'd met on the bench. Makenna. I had so many questions about her. Like why she'd felt the need to lie to me about being a fan. And why she rushed off so quickly when I could tell she loved every second we were talking. The way she flinched when I went to hug her, yet also hugged me back like her life depended on it. In reality none of it really mattered. I knew I'd probably never see her again, and the reality saddened me for a reason I couldn't quite put my finger on. I just felt like myself with her. She was just a fan who just loved me for me. Who loved my music and my message, and on that particular day I needed to see someone like that more than anything. She'd done that for me. She'd been my reminder that I have clearly been doing at least something right. I sat and thought about her and that day for so long, that hours had gotten away from me. I hadn't even realized until Taylor was unlocking the door to our apartment and walked in with chinese take out. "I hope you're hungry!" He chimed, setting the bags on the table. He could tell I'd been in a trance, but didn't ask any questions, just got out plates and set my food out for me. "Thank you love." I said warmly sitting down next to him at the table. "Of course, Stef." He replied, kissing the top of my head before he took a bite.


aaand another chapter down! this ones short but it is just a filler chapter so. also,,, please tell me why it's 3:30 am where i am and i'm JUST now getting all this inspiration to write?? i need SLEEP. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
xx Jenna

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