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Yasmine couldn't control the anxiety that ran through her veins as she watched the gigantic teeth of her friend, Keanu, bite down into the cupcake. He still had a while to go until he ate her, but she knew that Keanu loved his cupcakes. She knew she was going to be a goner soon. She was the size of an insect and stuck inside the treacherous substance of the white frosting. She had trouble getting out of the situation, screaming desperately for Keanu's attention.

Keanu's brown eyes kept looking down at the cupcake, and each time, Yasmine would pray that he would see her. Unfortunately, his eyes would always pass her and not even capture the fact that she was in there. Keanu had shrunk her earlier that day as a prank. He wanted to prank her, but that prank turned into a nightmare real quick. Keanu taunted her for a bit before leaving to take a call.

The call lasted about an hour and when he came back, it had totally slipped his mind that he had shrunk Yasmine. Yasmine on the other hand had found herself stuck in the cupcake that Keanu was going to eat. There she was, fighting and screaming for dear life. She kept hoping that Keanu would be able to hear him with every bite that he took.

The loud noises all around him was making it unable for him to hear Yasmine. Her screaming did absolutely nothing compared to the honks of the cars and the chattering of people around him. Keanu was always known for forgetting things, but this was a serious situation. He truly forgot that he had shrunk Yasmine, and now she was going to pay the consequences. All those times that she had pulled a prank on Keanu was coming back to bite her in the butt.

She just didn't want her life to end being eaten by one of her good friends! Keanu was halfway done with the cupcake and even closer to the section she was stuck in. Yasmine had stopped struggling and just went with it. Although she knew what was to come, she had finally just accepted her fate. She felt the wind hit against her face as she felt Keanu raise her up to his mouth.

Her eyes shot wide open, his mouth opening wide. His mouth looked just like a cave! She was going to die. She was going to get thrown in and chomped down like all the other parts of the cupcake. She was truly going to feel what the cupcake felt. And she wasn't ready for it. She squeezed her eyes shut, only to be stopped and Keanu's voice rang through her ears. But it wasn't what she was expecting.

"Oh my goodness," Keanu spoke, his voice echoing above her. Yasmine cracked one eye open and craned her head up, seeing Keanu looking around. "I totally forgot that I shrunk Yasmine before taking that call."

Yasmine audibly sighed in relief as she saw Keanu lower the last bite down. She looked up and opened her mouth, only to find out that her voice was completely gone. She tried with all her might to scream, but nothing but a wheeze had left her mouth. Her voice box had run out. She watched as Keanu looked around the area, seeing if he could see her, but in reality, she was right under his nose.

"Keanu! Please! See me!" Yasmine croaked. "I-I'm down here!"

Keanu inhaled deeply, still unable to hear Yasmine. "I'm sure she's fine."

Fine. She was far from fine. Keanu just shrugged it off and went back to shove that last bite into his mouth. Yasmine yelled one last time before becoming part of the cupcake. Keanu licked the last of the frosting off of his fingers. He wiped away the crumbs and swallowed his last bite, not knowing that Yasmine was part of the food. It seemed that Keanu had finally gotten his revenge. He just didn't know he did.

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