Where it begins..

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Bradley's POV

Yoohh this test is difficult,  I don't even know why I chose physics, it's like a volcano erupted in my brain. I look up at the clock and I see that I have 5 minutes remaining.

Staring at my last question after answering the many questions before this one with a 'fake it till I make'  attitude I decide to give this one a chance. I'm writing my answer when I was interrupted by Mr Steinhesein.

" Times up pens  down pass your papers forwards and I don't even want to see any eyes wandering about. You guys mustn't try me I have detention slips that are eagerly awaiting for stupid kids to make stupid mistakes", he says sternly while collecting the test papers in the front. I think he's angry because he has to mark tests which most likely half the class failed, ha that's sad.

I decide to try and finish my test while he's still on the other side of the class because no one takes the pens down thing seriously. I finish in record time and quickly turn my page to the front pretending to write my name because I wanted to see his reaction.

"Mr Lewis,  Mr Steinhesein said, " what did I tell the class specifically not to do?" I knew he was going to ask that so I decided to have a little bit of fun, " Sir you told us to Remember that physics is black magic waiting for us to hop on a broom stick and fly away",

The rest of the class chuckles while I try to hold back my smirk and give the most innocent face I could muster. Mr Steinhesein looked red and a vain looks like it's about to pop out and I couldn't hold my laughter and I bursted out laughing.

Mr Steinhesein doesn't say anything but goes behind his desk to get a detention slip, the whole class starts whispering about what just happened while Mr Steinhesein walks up to me and when he reaches me he says, " laugh nicely Bradley but just remember that my red pen will laugh loudly when I'm marking your test paper",

"Ooooooooooh he just said that" Someone whispers in the background and I raise my eyebrow at Mr Steinhesein who is looking smugly at me and say, " well me and your pen would be great friends, I hope he laughs at one of my drawings that I drew of you on my test paper", and right on time the bell rings and I shoot off my desk with my backpack on my back and detention slip in my hand and run out of the class, this is the proper definition of being saved by the bell.

Wait I didn't introduce myself, my name Is Bradley Lewis I'm 17 and I got to the most prestigious private school in South Africa, Hilton College. Im not that tall I think I'm about 5ft9 the last time i checked was when I was in grade 8 and I was getting my braces removed, I have brownish hair and I would say a fairly attractive face, if not then my mother is a liar. I'm the athletics captain but I'm not popular I would say that I'm well known and I like to interact and have fun with people.

On my way to the detention room I see Josh and Stefania making out again in the corridors like they're in their own world, at this rate they're probably exchanged what they had for lunch with the way they're going at it.

Josh and Stefania are in my grade and they are the king and queen of the school. Josh is about 6ft2 and looks like an all South African boy, he plays rugby, he's rich everyone is basically , he's an average student which I am honestly surprised about and he has a hot girlfriend Stefania. Stefania was our female star hockey player she is extremely smart , beautiful and a caring person. This was honestly a match made in heaven.

" Hey Brad", Josh said after he stopped making out with a dizzy Stefania, " Hey dude continue playing tongue hockey with Stefania, with the way she's looking it looks like your winning", I said causing Stefania to blush into Josh's chest and Josh smacking the back of my head.

" Nahh dude stop playing I was just asking if you were going to come to the party tonight because it's the beginning of Rugby season and I promise you that it is going to be liiiiiit", who says lit anymore.

Oh yeah I forgot that he was this year's Captain only being in grade 11 that is and apparently like amazing because he was a junior and most players are in grade 12.  Every year the captain hosts the biggest and grandest party of the year and this years it is his turn and since I'm the athletics team Captain I had to go.

" yeah dude of I'm gonna be there as long as there is free booze and food you know how poor i am", I say jokingly and him and Stefania starts laughing, " I will never forget when you wrapped your sandwich with a plastic bag and claimed to have lost your lunchbox but we all know the truth", Stefania says laughter lurking in her tone and is it just me or did she seem out of breath, oh well maybe it was from all that smooching with Josh.

" I don't know where you got that from Stef I am truly offended", I reply with my hand on my chest while pouting and Josh and Stef both start laughing, " all right dude I'll see you there and bring that hottie Lesedi for Bruce I wanna set them up",  Josh says, after he said that I see that Stefania has a frown  her face.

And with that I walk away but not before hearing Stef whisper something to Josh about needing the toilet and I just walk away faster.

Wow Josh and Stefania made me 10 minutes late, i hope that their tongues are tied together, haha that would be funny though. I am really weird. Time to make an excuse, I should probably tell the teacher I had explosive diarrhea and if she doesn't believe me I'll tell her to smell my hands that should do the trick

When I walk into class I see bad boy Bruce in the corner with his phone and a frown on his face i quickly look over his shoulder and see that he is texting Stefania, but she's not replying, why would he need to though , maybe they were planning Josh's birthday party or something because they're both close with Josh.

Josh and Bruce are besties, they've been best friends since forever and I've hardly ever seen them apart, at one point I thought they were dating but my mind soon changed after Josh started dating Stefania. At first I thought that Bruce would be angry that she stole his best friend but the got along surprisingly well. This is why Josh is trying to set up Bruce with my best friend Lesedi.

Bruce is the rugby co- captain and the schools official heartbreaker. But lately haven't seen him with any girl these days and people think that someone grabbed his heart, good for him. I remember I asked one of Bruce's casual hookup, Hannah why she kept going back to Bruce, she said that every girl would love to tame the bad boys heart.

I try to read the chats but Mrs Welt,  I think that's her name shouts across the classroom, "Mr Lewis I've heard about your shenanigans in Mr Steinheseins class and you show up late today, what is wrong with you, you silly boy", the few people in the room look up at me expecting the answer.

" Ma'am I'm sorry I took long I was in the bathroom because I had a taco for lunch", I say to Mrs Warthog not wanting to drag this on," Care to explain Mr Lewis", Mrs Waffle said and I look down and say," Mrs Winste- uh Ma'am I have explosive diarrhea and you can smell my hands if you don't believe me" she looks at me with disgust and internally smile because of my good acting skills, I could really beat Timothy chamalat that's how good I am. "Should you really be at school then"

Mrs white asks and I shake my head she sighs and tells me that I'm free to go. "Thank you Mrs Wellington", oops, she gives me a surprised look and I quickly walk out the class and befor I left I see Bruce sizzling with anger while looking at his phone, I'll have to ask him about that later then at the party

Thank god it's Friday and The party night. I'm going to have soooo much fun and I'm sure it's a night I'm not going to forget....



What do y'all think so far, like why was Bruce angry and why is Bradley sooo weird, stick around and you'll soon find out...
Today's quote is...
Death is unhealthy....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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