iv- roxy gets the chance to be an imortal badass

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*:˻˳˯ₑ ¨̮͚ *. CHAPTER FOUR *:˻˳˯ₑ ¨̮͚ *.

   The Hunters set up their camping site in a matter of minutes. Seven large tents, all of silver silk, curved in a crescent around one side of a bonfire. One of the girls blew a silver dog whistle, and a dozen white wolves appeared out of the woods. They began circling the camp like guard dogs. The Hunters walked among them and fed them treats, completely unafraid. Falcons watched everyone from the trees, their eyes flashing in the firelight, and Roxanne got the feeling they were on guard duty, too. Even the weather seemed to bend to the goddess's will. The air was still cold, but the wind died down and the snow stopped falling, so it was almost pleasant sitting by the fire.

   Ivy had gently pushed her young friend into a tent that was slightly larger than the rest.

It looked like a civil-war hospital tent, with about 10 small beds, five on each side, all lined up together via a headboard stationed right in the middle of the room. They had dark green sheets, with small nightstands and short, stubby lamps that emitted a bright white light. The floor was coverd with a large, black tarp, and there were about 5 large shelves filed up against the tents walls with dozens of medicines, bandaids, and square-golden-looking things. There was one girl in there but other than the three of them, the tent was empty.

"Come." Ivy gently pushed the brunette forward, lightly sitting her down on the bed as a different huntress came forward to check the back of Roxy's head. The girl gently pushed down on it making Roxanne hiss out in pain.

   "Alright then." She pulled something out of her pocket, a small flashlight.

"Just, follow the light." She said gently, moving the light over Roxanne's eyes.

While she was 'testing' her, Roxanne took the chance to study this girl. She had bright and round green eyes, ones that almost seemed animated, that contrasted with her dark brown hair which was contained in a side braid. She had fair porcelain skin and a light trail of freckles across her checks and nose as well as long eyelashes, rosy lips and was wearing a gray MCR t-shirt with black ripped jeans and converse, and a long, white doctors coat.

The pretty girl tested Roxanne for what seemed like forever making the girl slightly worried when she heard her sigh.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"You've definitely got a concussion dear. No worries, some ambrosia and taking it easy should heal it by dawn." The green-eyed girl said, clicking off her light and shoving it back in her jean pocket.

"Oh, ok." Roxanne answered, taking a deep breath. A concussion? That's not to bad. The worst injury she ever had was a wrist that was broke in three places. Or maybe her worst injury was when she popped a blood vessel in her eye?

The huntress went to the shelves and picked up a small square of the golden-square things. She broke off a small piece and handed it to the girl sitting on the bed.

Roxanne furrowed my eye brows. "What is this?" She poked at the square, which seemed hard as rock. "Is this even edible?"

The green-eyed huntress chuckled. "Yes. It's very edible."

Roxanne nodded and slowly took a bite of it, finding that the huntress was right. As soon as her teeth went down on it, it softened, and felt like she was chewing one of her moms homemade brownies.

After Roxanne finished the whole thing, she felt pretty great. "Is there any way..." Roxanne trailed off, hoping that doctor-girl knew what she was asking.

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