I want to be free

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  Emmas pov.

I watched him slowly as he walked past me. He was covered in leather and he smelt of rum and the sea. I cought his gase when he sat down, he stared at me with his bright blue soft eyes and he gave me this very sweet and warm smirk. He couldnt be more than 25. He was beautiful.  I felt my heart ache for him like i knew him from long ago. I started to get red in the face and i could tell i was blushing. Then my friend Lily snapped me out of my gaze with this mysterious man.

"Emma are you ok you drifted off who are you looking at?" lily askes

"hmmm..... oh that was i dont know but i feel like i know him and plus hes cute" i said looking down.

"Ok then finish your beer the tavern is closing soon". I finished my drink and we paid and i got one last glance at him. He had the best jaw line ever he was just a daze then i snapped out of it and left the tavern.

Me and Lily road our horses back to the castle. I quietly walk to my parenst room to see if they were asleep. Luckily they were and i quickly ran back to my room. i took of my 'pesent' clothing and put on this rare silk night gown the i sprayed some of this expensive purfume i got for my 27th birthday. I took all of the sticks and other stuff out of my hair and brushed my hair and teeth.

I crawled in bed i had 2 hours until i had to wake up. I couldn't get this man out of my head. His eyes and he jet black hair. I wanted to see this man again. Then i drifted of to bed with this man in my head.

   Snows pov.

I got out of bed surprisingly early. I sat up and looked over at my david. I bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He lightly sturred i smiled and got up and put on my light sparkly pink floral dress. I decided to go wake Emma so we could have our early walks around the kingdom. I got to her room and i could hardly but it was a lightly hanging smell of beer and rum. I sighed and shook my head. I walked over to her and lightly shook her shoulder waking her up. She moaned "sweet heart wake up time for our weekly walk" i smiled slightly. She got up " do i have too" she moaned. " yes its good for a princess to get her daily walk" i saw her scoff and i went to her wardrobe to get her outfit. Then i left to go down stairs to get neal ready.

Emma pov.

   I wasnt tired at all i only sleeped for at lest an hour at the least. But i put on the dress mother picked out for me. I lightly curled my hair and put it up amd finishing off with light make up. I looked like i was someone else like it wasnt me. I wanted to be a pirate go sail the seven seas or at least see one. I wanted to be free not be a proper princess with all of these stupid dresses and balls for every single good thing that happens. I was so cought up in my daze i forgot time and run down stairs to the dining hall. I ate breakfast without saying anything. My day was the same as everyday: walk,horse back riding, ballet, and then bed. As my parents went to bed i got up and got in my pesent clothing and headed to the horse barn.

Killian pov.

   That women i saw the other night. I couldn't sleep at all the night before her bright green eyes were like so light and beautiful they haunted me. And she had gorgeous blond hair in light curls going down her back. "S'mee" i said in the morning " yes c'ptin" smee said " we are staying" " for how long sir" i had to think about it " 7 days then its off to neverland!" i say and my men all cheer and throws there hats in the air. After a day of cleaning the Jolly Rodger. I said " men good day to day we did good off to the tavern!" i yell and my men holler and trample over each other to get off the boat to the tavern. Smee stays behind by me as we walk to the tavern. I kept thinking i hope i see this womwn again we was bloody beautiful almost as.....bloody hell she cant be ill never get over her. I stopped thinking as we entered the tavern. I saw my crew and smee scurried off to the crew i stood by the door and scanned the tavern looking for her. I didn't see her so i sat by my men and i let the rum take me.

Emma pov.

As i saw the tavern slowly come to veiw. I tied misty to the tree. It was a warm night so i took off my robe. I walked up to the door of the tavern. I reached out about to open the door. But i had second thoughts. What if hes not like you seem what if he takes you away far away. What if...... That kept going through my head what if. I ignored it and opend the door. I didnt see him. What if hes not here. I scan the tavern for the man i saw.

I saw him with a flask in his hand laughing with his friends. He noticed i was looking at him he smiled and i thought i saw a slightly sigh of relief on his face. I looked back down and fiddled with my fingers until the waiter gave me my drink. I was on my 3 glass of beer when i felt a hand on my shoulder. But i didnt espect a old man to be behind me. "Why arent you a pretty girl at the bar" his breath smelled of beer i tried to hide the discused on my face. "Umm sir your hurting my shoulder can you please let me go" i say trying to get my shoulder free. "How bout a night with me" he said with a smirk on his face. "No sir please thats hurts let me go" i tried again to pull away from his death grasp on my shoulder he squeezed harder i yelled in pain and he brought me close to my face. "I wasnt asking" i screamed fram the pain i looked away hiding the tears rolling down my face. Then his hand left my shoulder. I looked back to see what happend. He was there that man. He stood over the mans body on the ground. "That was bad form lad, this is a lady not a bloody wild beast" he said in a light soft Irish voice that wanted to make me melt. "Hello love" he said with that smirk on his face. "Hmm.... umm... Oh... Hi thanks for the rescue" i said blushing looking down. "Ahhhh no problem lass ohh i forgot my name Killian Jones".  He has a such a beautiful name. "Im......." i have to come up with a fake name "im leah" i say with a fake smile.

Killian pov.

After i help the lady i saw yesterday night i asked her name "im leah" she said with fake smile i could tell shes kind of an open book. But i didn't say anything. "Youre the lady i saw yesterday night" i say some what shocked. "Yes i think so" she said i just stared in her light green eyes. I knew i was already liking her. I shook myself out of her eyes and asked "Wanna come and stir with me and my crew" with my signature smirk. She looked confused but not scared as most women ive been with the got scared and left me. "Oie its ok lass they wont hurt you as long your by me" i said as a held my hand out. She slowly took my hand. Her has was smooth and warm agenst mine. I gave her a smile as we walk over the man on the floor over to my crew.

Emma pov.

That all happened way to fast first a man is on the floor, the mystery man asks me questions, and then im meeting his crew. Crew? Is he a priate of some sorts but hes to nice to be a pirate. He couldnt be. He intoduced me to his men wuth a bunch of hellos and shes beautiful. I reply with hello and thank you's. I had one question "are you guys pirates?" i asked as they all went silent. Killian he looked at me "Why love yes we are, we docked about 2 days ago" he says all the men cheer. I giggle lightly. I was almost sitting on Killians knee. I moved away sligtly. Some time passed and i kept getting closer to killian as they told their storys of adventures. I got super nervous i cant let this be happening not again " im so sorry guys i have to go" i say and all the men looked sad but the one that looked most sad was killian. I started twords the door of the tavern.

Killian pov.

I watched her walk twords the door of theta ern and i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a conor. "Why are you so nervous" i asked lightly "how did you know" "well your kind of an open book" i could see her face relax slightly. "I thought you didnt like me crew lass" i say " oh no i wasnt i was scared bout something" she say i noticed our forheads were at least a inch apart. "And what would that be love?" i say curiously "something i havent done for along time" she gets closer than she walks out. Im left in the tavern alone in the cornor. I felt something in my hand, i looked in my hand and saw a note. I open the note and i smiled and it said.......

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