Chapter 2

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I stretched my hand to turn off  my annoying phone which have been going off every five minutes for the past thirty minutes. I checked the time which was on six and slowly rolled out of bed to use the restroom and was almost at the door when last night event came rushing back to me.
I instantly looked back at the bed but the nameless guy was already gone.
"Exactly what I expected of you" I said before making my way to the restroom.
I dressed up and called a taxi. I turned on my phone when I was almost home and waited for multiple messages that I was sure would be waiting
           'where are you?' from sis @ 9:02pm
            'I'm about to go, should I still wait for you' from sis @ 9:31pm
            'I called Peter and he said you aren't with him' from sis @ 9:45pm
              'Judith called, where are you?' from love @ 9:47pm
             'Peter called, where the hell are you? I told him you're with me. Call me asap" from Cyn @ 9:54pm
              'Peter said you're with Cynthia. You almost gave me an heart attack. See you tomorrow' from sis @ 9:58pm

I immediately called Cynthia, who picked up on the fifth ring
"Hello Cynthia good morning"
"Where were you last night?"
"I was with some guy"
"You were with what?...oh wait, you mean you finally did it"
"Yes I did. What of Peter? Was he mad at me?
"Can you give me a better explanation of what really went down last night" Cynthia said eagerly, dodging my question.
"Maybe when we see this evening. You going to be around?"
"Absolutely yes. I can't wait"
"Of course you can and you will. So was Peter mad at me last night?"
"No he wasn't. He was worried instead but I know he is going to be really mad at you if he knows what happened last night. How was it?
"It was extremely good. It felt too good I almost lost my mind and he..." the taxi driver gave me this look which shut me up instantly and made me changed what I was about to say.
"And he what?" Cynthia asked
"Don't worry we're going to talk this evening. I gat to go"
"Okay then. See you in the evening"
"Alright. Bye"
I went straight to my room to dodge my sister's readymade questions which I knew I was still going to come across whether I liked it or not.
"Wow, last night was beautiful" I thought as I sat down on my bed with a hand mirror.
I opened my legs widely and place the mirror in front of my still red pussy. I used my other hand to spilt my pussy lip apart and inserted one of my fingers in it.
I started the in and out movement but I wasn't getting enough friction, so I added another finger. I continued the in and out movement  and watched my beautiful pussy as my two fingers was sliding in and out of it in the hand mirror which I was still holding with my other hand.
I later pulled my fingers out and licked my pussy juice which was dripping down my fingers before focusing my attention on my hard clitoris which have been waiting for my touch.
I used my fingers to rub my clit softly in circular motion and was on my way to heaven when someone called my name
"alexi!" Judith called
"Fuck" I murmured and instantly pulled the blanket on my naked body
"Lexi! Lexi!" She called again as she was opening the door "don't tell me you are still sleeping"
"Judith, you suppose to knock" I said sleepily
"Don't tell me what I'm suppose to do when you couldn't tell me we wouldn't be going home together last night"
"I thought I did Judith but I'm sorry if I didn't. You knew I told you I wasn't really feeling the party"
"That wasn't what you told me. What you told me was that you wanted to go for a drink"
That was exactly what I told her and what I had went for but fortunately met the nameless guy at the bar, chatted for an hour with him and landed on his bed not long after.
"What I said was that 'I'm not feeling this party. I think I will go get a drink" I would rather let her felt stupid than for me to tell her the truth
"And you changed your track and instead went for a drink at Cynthia house" she said with an intense look
"I didn't get the drink. I was bored so I left"
"You almost gave me an heart attack"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to"
"It's okay. I will soon be leaving for work, so, make sure to clean the house and don't forget to feed Mama"
That was what you get when you're jobless. Cleaner, cook, dog feeder.
I hate dogs. Mama was our dog. Judith knew I hate dogs and she still made sure that she made me feed him whenever I'm home.
I watched her as she took a taxi and later went back to my bed to call Peter.
"Hello. You scared me last night" Peter said
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to"
"It's okay. How was your night?"
"Wow. You sounds strange. What's up over there?"
"Nothing. I think I'm just happy today"
"Okay. I gat to go. I'm gonna see you later in the day"
"We aren't going to meet later in the day"
"Because I promised Cynthia that I would be spending the evening with her"
"Aren't you with her throughout last night?"
"No. I mean yes, I was but we have to see again today for some reason"
"Okay but it's seems as if something is up"
"No. Nothing"
"Alright then we are going to talk later. Love you"
This was the first time I hung up on Peter, my boyfriend without telling him I loved him because I don't think he deserved my love after what I experienced last night.
I turned on my data for my Gmail messages and used it loading period to pray.
'God let it be good news. God let it be good news.
I've been going  for  job interviews since two months ago after my graduation and most of them have declined. Telling me the same story in different statement and my last hopes were the two last companies which I've heard nothing about.
I eagerly opened my Gmail when the name of one of these companys flashed on my screen and opened it with the hope that it was going to be a good news.
    'Dear Miss Tyler
This letter is to let you know that you were not selected to return to this blah blah blah'                                                                          I turned off my phone before I  could continue reading the sad news and angrily got out of my bed to prepare a full bowl of cereal.
"alexi, you shouldn't die of hunger because you are unemployed" I murmured to myself before taking my first spoon.
I went to the backyard to feed Mama and later got comfortable in front of the television to watch Adam Lee latest movie.
Ding dong! Ding dong!
I paused the movie and waited once more for confirmation.
Ding dong!
Judith wouldn't be back until half past five. I checked the time which was on 3:30pm and took the center table flower vase should in case I had to protect myself.
I tip toed to the door and peeped through the door hole. I relaxed when I saw the person who was at the other side of the door and took a deep breath before opening it.

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