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When people say I'm beautiful, I just say "Why thank you!"

But you don't know inside, I'm thinking "Don't lie, fuck you!"

I don't understand what's this about lying.

Keep it going but just think, what's the point in trying?

'Cause I'm no longer buying.

When I was young and dumb, I took things to the heart.

Now that I'm older, keep the lies. Please don't start!

'Cause I know in the future, I'll just get hurt.

And I'm tired of my feelings being kicked like dirt.

It's the same thing over and over, lying to my face.

But that's fine. Keep going and I'll smash you like a vase. : )

You say you're my friend but you're just a fake hoe.

Fuck you, I don't have time for you no mo'...

Lies lies lies. Three letter word.

Well actually four ... but who gives a turd?!

Lol I was bored =P Not an actual poem I put effort into. Just a fun one : )

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