Chapter 9: The Pre-Ball Part: 2

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Miyuki's dress in picture but less.. I don't know, chest shaperevealing????Lol Raven XD


I remember its my birthday soon, it's actually the day after Takuma Ichijo's, which is pretty soon.. eh, I don't care for either.

I put my stuff I got from town away, we were just walking around chatting and ended up in several different shops. I slip on my light coffee brown ugg boots and grab a book of my shelf. It was black with the outline of green roses on it. I climb out the window, I finally got my own dorm room, its smaller but made for just me, one person. After a rather long argument headmaster said I can do what ever I like with it. I chose one and already know three other people on the area, me, Sarah, Becca and Blake.

Blake was probably my best friend, the they're all notfan-girls, well.. Sarah is. Becca has a boyfriend in the day class and Blake has a crush, but even I don't know it. Becca has straight shoulder length dark brown hair with green streaks on the side and yellow/green eyes, Sarah has long wavy blonde hair and baby blue eyes, Blake has green eyes, wavy black hair, thats always in a loose bun, so im not actually sure how long it is, and then theres me. I have long straight black hair and Becca has somehow managed to talk me into getting streaks, I wanted red but she's putting silver in, only three streaks on my left side. I've just washed it out, I change into my uniform and tuck my book into my jacket. I jump out the window, not realizing till after I did that I'm 3 stories high. I mentally slap my self, 3... 2... I hit the ground landing in a ninja position (you know, one leg bent under you, the other out straight to your side and fingers on the ground). "Hm?" I realise that I land perfectly fine, thats a new found skill. I slip on my disciplinary committee slip and head towards the pre ball. Its pretty much just a smaller version of the yearly ball, its just for the day class and some night class, if invited by me, Yuki, Zero or even Saiena.

I notice Saiena and Rima, I meet Zero and Yuki outside. We split up and take turns patrolling areas, one takes the normal route for half hour whilst the second patrols around the ball and one patrols in it. Currently I'm on second shift and am on the normal route, I hear a twig snap , I throw a knife in the direction. It stops and inch before the persons face then falls to the ground, I look up to see Kaname, I lower my second one a bit, but not completely.

"What if you hit me?"

"Then it would be a good shot" I stand up straight and place my knife away. I lean on a tree and feel the cold blade of my katana against my thigh. Its loosely slung around my waist, Kaname sighs

"Why do you hate me?"

Good question, why do I hate him.. shit, uh.. maybe because what he is?

"You creepy, mop head. I have a job, why are you out here?"

More night class suddenly appear, Aido, Ruka, Akatsuki and Ichijo. I sigh as I place my hand to my forehead.

"How dare you insult lord Kaname! Have you no respect?" Aido practically yells at me.

"No, I don't" I spin on my heel to leave.

"Miyuki" Kaname calls, I snap

"What?!" I just manage to keep myself from slicing them all up.

"Be careful"

"Never" I scowl as I leap into a tree, I let out a huff then leap through the trees, my favourite thing, until I reach Zero.

"What's your issue?"

"Mop head and his followers" I scowl, he sighs.

"Just so long as they stay away from here, we'll leave them"

I nod and head back out. On my way out I thought I saw Zero, I walk into the bush and a hand covers my mouth, my eyes widen and they pull me behind a large rock.

"SSH, its just me" I let out a breath as Ichiru releases me.

I pull him into a hug and whisper in his ear

"Scare me like that again and you'll end up in prices before you blink"

"Woah, okay. Why, do you want to?"

"I don't! But I will off instinct. What are you doing here?"

"I know you won't go into the ball, so," he holds out his hand "care to dance?" I grab his hand and we dance to no music, but it feels as if we are by an orchestra.

I soon realise its been 40 mins and I'm past swap time, Ichiru seems to realise too.

We both blush at how close we are, I pull away. He bids and we say noting as we split paths.

"See ya round"

I run off and find Yuki talking with Sayori and Zero was just walking over

"I was just going to find you, what took you so long?"

I blush a bit and kick a stone

"I-I fell asleep.." thank goodness I'm a awesome liar, Zero would go ape-shit if he knew I was with his supposedly-dead-twin brother.

Then I saw an angry Saiena in her beautiful dress jogging towards me. Well I'm in trouble.

"Where the hell have you been Miyuki?!?! I've been nearly everywhere looking for you!" She baisicly shouts at me.

"Whatever,come on!! I've got to gossip with ya!!!!" Wow she is still bipolar then.

"Okay, baku!" I said as she drags me towards the ball. We get in and it's not like our normal ball. It's because Saiena planned this one. Then, a random pop song came on, so we started to dance.

"Saiena, what is it? I have to go to patrol again," I tell her.

"Well, who was the dude you were dancing with, he looks familiar" She asks. "Remember, whatever it is, you can tell me anything. It is confidential, and stays with me"

Should I tell her?

"I'll tell you someday, Okay?"

"Kay" She says as she smiles, then we hug and part into our own paths.

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