Not a Good Mix

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     Lots of things happen during patrol that Peter doesn't tell the avengers about. Crimes that happened, how he stopped them, and the main one.

     How he gets hurt.

     There have been multiple times where Peter got a bullet to the leg, arm, ribs, but was healed by Bruce or Stephen, the only two people he would actually talk to if the wounds were serious, like bullet wounds.

     There have been multiple times where Peter got stabbed and have been treated by again, the Wizard and Scientist. If he ever told Tony, people would get hurt.

     Mainly Peter.

     Of course, Tony being the overprotective mentor, father figure he is, hates it when his son figure gets hurt. Peter knows that, and that's why he never tells him.

     But this time was one of the worst moments of his life.

     Peter was in the alleyway, bleeding. A lot. Blood was coming out from below his chest. He's just lucky the knife didn't go near his heart. "Hey, Karen? How bad is the wound?"

     "You could die from it. I suggest calling Wizard Dad, Angy Scientist, or Dad." The AI replied. Of course, the AI uses the contacts that Peter made for the avengers. Wizard's dad is Dr. Strange, Angy Scientist is Bruce, and Dad is Tony Stark. Peter thought it was a good idea, but probably a bad one if they knew.

     Peter shook his head. "I can't, I'll just bandage it up and tell dad after school." He sighed. He meant dad referring to Strange. The spiderling couldn't sleep, so he was patrolling. Of course, he didn't tell the others because I mean why?

     He took out the bandages that were in his suit. He took his suit off and wrapped his waist in the bandages. Since he had school in like two hours, he decided to go back to the tower.

     Once he got back to the tower, he saw that no one was awake, which made sense because it was four-thirty in the morning. He went back to his room and sighed softly, flopping on his bed but then winced and immediately got back up. He made a small hissing noise. He changed the bandages because they started to get soaked. He then fell asleep for the next two hours.

Time skip to the next day brought to you by Thor saying lesbian rights

     Peter woke up to blood. No, he was not on his period, it was his stab wounds. He groaned in frustration as he got up and rubbed his eyes. He then heard someone knock on his door, which made him jump up and run to the bathroom, his waist throbbing in pain.

      The one knocking on the door was none other than Tony Stark. "Hey underoos, are you awake? It's time for school you're going to be late...again." The father figure said, sighing softly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

      Peter was in a stage of panic. "Yea-! Yea I'm awake, just getting ready right now!" Peter replies quickly. Once again, Peter was terrible at lying, but this wasn't necessarily a lie. He was getting ready. Getting ready to replace his bandages.

     Tony nodded slowly, his suspicion growing. "Alright then, well breakfast is downstairs, you're going to school from Stephen's magic portal things." He said before walking away. "Again.," he mumbled under his breath.

     Peter nodded. "Alright." Was all that he said. He took off his shirt and replaced the bandages. He sighed. "I'm so fucking dead." He said quietly. He got ready for school and he went downstairs, trying to hide the pain from his face.

      Stephen and Tony were already downstairs. Since Peter was already in a rush, he quickly packed and ate like at sonic speed.

      "Slow down, you'll choke," Stephen said, reading his book that he got at the sanctum.

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