Chapter 1

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"Please this can't be happening!" she screamed out in agony with tears running down her beautiful face, clutching her chest in agony. "Why'd you take them from me? Why didn't you take me when I gave you the chance? Please I'll do anything to have them back! Please bring them back, I need them!" She screamed up to dark night sky. She slowly fell to the floor clutching her knees to her chest with tears streaming down her face. Time had stopped. Her world now crumbled to pieces right in front of her and there was nothing she could but the let tears flow freely.

(Flash Back)

December 13th, 2010 her birthday. Her best friend Audree waking her up early in the morning telling her happy birthday. Audree and her went out to the kitchen, she then proceeded her mother. Her mother picked up the phone and they exchanged a few words and what time her mother would be picking her up. The day passed with loads of fun, playing in the snow like a five year old child again.
Night soon fell and her mother was late. She phoned her, but it went straight to voicemail. She soon became worried and phoned every family member, no one answered. After about the fifth time ringing her grandma, her grandma answered the phone with pain laced in her voice. She knew then something terrible happened. Her grandma said she had to come and get her and she'd explain when she got there.
Soon her grandma arrived and so did her biological father. Her grandma, father, herself, and Audrees family gathered around in the kitchen. Her dad took a seat at the island and grabbed her hands in his, the look he gave her said it all. He chocked upon his words and opened his mouth then closed it like a fish in water. He finally had the courage built up to tell her, he told her. He barely managed to let the words escape his mouth and his thirteen year old daughter collapsed to the floor, she screamed and begged. They drove back to her uncles house and she soon the look of death upon her families faces settling.
Her younger brother Curtis, came up to her and told her that everything would be okay and that god would fix everything. He'd give mommy and daddy new body parts and they'd come back to us all new again. He had so much hope in someone he couldn't see. He broke her heart when he said this to her because he was too young to understand and she was too hurt to tell him the truth. (End of the flash back)

She was so beautiful and didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve the pain, she didn't deserve any of this. She was given a war that she has yet won.

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