The Spectacular Start of Something New

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"It's kind of sad. Leaving Hogwarts for one of the last times." Mary said to Lily.

The latter had needed to pack things last minute, since she was planning on doing it the night before, but hadn't because of Petunia's letter.

"Really? I think it's sort of a happy occasion." Lily replied levitating both their trunk's in front of them down the girls' stairs.

"How so?"

"Well, I think of it as a new adventure. Coming home is always stressful, especially now, but I need a break from school. Maybe this will be good."

"Tell that to me in a year after we graduate and you're crying into my shoulder."

Lily snorted. Thinking about going into her seventh-year was crazy for her. It didn't quite sit right with her. It felt like just yesterday she was boarding that boat across the river and entering the Great Hall for the first time.


The two girls caught up with the rest of the group before they caught a carriage. James shot her a crooked grin, which she returned and accepted the hand he offered to help her into the carriage.

She sat down in between Alice and Marlene, who both raised their eyebrows at the interaction. No one had been able to get out what happened between the two of them. Even though it was obvious something had.

"Do you know what pulls the carriages, Evans?" James asked taking a seat in between Sirius and Remus across from her.

"Thestrals. You'd know if you read Hogwarts: A History, Potter."

"Ah, but that's what I have you for."


Remus and Lily were late to the last Prefects meeting, just as they had been the first meeting. Sirius has asked Lily for a cigarette and by the time she actually found one, it was five minutes until it started.

Nothing too important was scheduled to happen, but the disapproving looks that were given to them, were uncomfortable to receive.

"I'd like to thank you all for being the best prefect team I could ask for! This year wasn't exactly easy, ever since Frank left, but..."

Lily zoned out during Hayley's rather long thank you speech. Each head over the years has given the same speech and it was quite boring for her.

Remus was in the same boat. Although, he tried harder to pay attention than Lily, he still didn't last more than fifteen minutes.

Thankfully, the prefect meeting ended sooner rather than later and they were all dismissed. That is, if you weren't Lily.

Hayley had called her over, in what seemed like a desperate attempt to converse with someone.

"Hey Lily! I just wanted to thank you personally for helping me out on that one patrol! It was very nice of you considering it cut into your free time!"

"Oh, no problem Hayley! I hope you have a great time outside of Hogwarts!"

As Lily left it occurred to her that she really couldn't hate Hayley. As much as she tried to come up with a reason she couldn't and that bothered her. Hayley was a perfectly nice person that she had nothing against.

She would've continued on this warpath for a while had it not been for James laughing hysterically in the train hallway with a slightly grinning Remus standing next to him. James had collapsed onto the ground from laughing so hard, which only concerned Lily. Why wouldn't James be inside the compartment laughing?

"Ah, the lady of the hour," Remus said, now fully grinning.

"What're you on about?" Lily asked the two boys.

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