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Everyone who knew Raphael, was fully aware of his very short temper. The turtle could get mad at just about anything. Presently, he was beating the crap out of a punching bag because Splinter basically grounded him for being reckless on his last patrol. Leonardo was the leader, and although Raphael knew that, he was always going against his brother's orders. The butted heads so much that you were shocked the entire lair was still in one piece. So here you were, listening to Raphael rant about his disapproval of Splinter's decision to bench him for the night as punishment.

"And why the hell is Leo in charge. I can lead us better than him!" he scored another vicious punch to the bag, effectively knocking it off the rope. It flew through the air, crashing into the wall and you winced.

"He thinks he's so high and mighty, the oh gracious leader I'm sick of it!" He was now doing techniques in the air. Punching and kicking. You didn't need to be a genius to know he was imaging Leonardo's face where his foot was.

"Raph, maybe you just need to cool down. If Master Splinter thinks it's best you take a break you should listen. And I'm sure Leo isn't the only one responsible for what happened. " He turned to you, still fuming.

"So you're saying it's my fault!"

"That's not what I'm saying I just think that-"

"That what? Leo's better than me. Who's side are you on!"

"I'm not on anyone's side Raph, are you even listening to me?"

He left out an less than amused laugh. "I see what's happening. You have a thing for Leo don't you, no wonder you're always here. Why the hell am I even talking to you. Everyone's the same. Leo's so great he can never do no wrong well I'm sick of it." Raphael drew his sais, turning around and heading for his room.

"I don't need you, I don't need anyone."

Now you were pissed.

"DAMN IT RAPHAEL FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN!!!" you exploded, and the raise in your voice made the red clad turtle turn to you.

"Why the hell would I come here and talk to you if I have a so-called thing for Leo! I respect you Raph, I respect all of you. Nobody's perfect. Not you and certainly not Leo. I just think that sometimes you get so blinded by your anger that you can't even see what's right in front of you." There was a double meaning behind those last words, but Raphael was so consumed by his alpha male ego that he probably didn't see it.

"(Y/N).." you just looked down, turning your back to him.

"Next time you need a friend to talk to maybe you should actually talk to them like a human being instead of tearing them down you jerk!" and just like that you were running out the lair. You passed Leonardo on the way out, not even looking up when he greeted you. When he stepped in he saw Raphael standing with a look of regret. Leonardo sighed, already putting the pieces together. He went into protective brother mode almost immediately.

"What did you say to her Raph." Somehow hearing Leo's tone just irritated him more.

"You don't need to tell me I screwed up. I already know. " He didn't say much more than that, heading for his room to deal with his problems the way he always did. Punch stuff.


"I shouldn't have said that, it was mean. He just wanted a friend to vent to. I should have been more supportive." You hadn't been to the lair since then. That was a couple days ago. You were more than a little embarrassed at your little outburst. "He did yell at me though. And I was just trying to help." your conflicting thoughts weren't really helping. What bothered you the most is the fact you'd almost confessed your feelings for him. Since meeting the turtles, the one that caught your attention immediately was Raphael. 

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