Don't Judge Me

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(A/N: This is SUPER long. Also, probably my last update for a while since I'm leaving for college on the 12th. Also also, congrats to @mysty1234 for having the weapon idea I liked most!)

"Not again." You groaned from where you sat on the sidelines, a safe distance away from the ongoing battle as you flicked popcorn into your mouth. "Like, come on. It's freaking ten o'clock at night."

You watched as Eggman flew throughout town, sitting in the cockpit of his large moth-like robot. Sonic was hot on his tail with a peculiar contraption designed by Tails. It was a mix of a fly swagger and a mobile catapult on wheels. "That Moth Bot is no match for my swat-a-pult!" Sonic smirked.

"Hey, look at me! I'm having an idea!" When you heard Knuckles yell out into the night, you directed your attention at the echidna. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw him running around with a large glowing lightbulb held above his head.

Moth Bot began following Knuckles, completely entranced by the glowing bulb just as any other moth would be. Trailing them from above were Tails and Sticks, the fox flying the plane of course while the badger sat on the wing. "Turn left!" You heard Sticks yell to Knuckles.

The red echidna did so....only to immediately run into a stone wall. "No! My left!" You quirked a brow at her claim, as her left was actually the same left in which Knuckles had turned.

"I'll release the moth balls!" Tails declared, pressing a button on his plane that caused a hatch to open. Countless moth balls fell towards the ground, many hitting Moth Bat and causing it to begin malfunctioning. And, as always, Sonic swooped in for the final hit. The swat-a-pult made contact with the very end of Moth Bot's tail, sending it swerving out of control until it eventually crash landed.

Eggman, who now sat in an open, exposed cockpit as the windshield was destroyed, merely looked around for a second in shock before grunting. Turning to look at Sonic, he suddenly clutched his neck. "Ow! My neck!" He fake whined. "You cheated, hedgehog!"

"What!? How do you cheat in a fight!?" Sonic huffed.

"Fight's over, cheater! Pull me out of this piece of junk!" He ordered his robots, and you watched as Orbot and Cubot reluctantly obeyed. "Be careful, I'm injured!" Eggman spat as the robots lifted him out of the cockpit, beginning to slowly float away with him into the night.

"Yes! Victory is mine!" Sonic gloated triumphantly.

"It's a tainted victory!" Eggman yelled over his shoulder.

Sonic simply smirked and rephrased his boast. "Yes! Tainted victory is mine!"

Your eyes, however, remained fixed on Eggman as he was carried away by his robots. A suspicious glare stayed firm in your eyes. Something was off. Not about the battle, but the aftermath. It was totally possible for Eggman to have hurt his neck as Moth Bot didn't exactly make a smooth landing. But....

"Hey? What's up?" Sonic's voice, now much closer than when he was boasting into the night sky, somewhat broke you from your trance.

"I don't like this." You replied, your eyes still trained on the fleeing villain. "Something's not right about this."

Sonic, confused at your empty and near emotionless comments, followed your gaze to see Eggman slowly disappearing from sight. A soft smile coming to his face, he said, "Hey, it's Eggman. It's just another lie of his!

"But that's just it...."

"Come on." Sonic interrupted you softly. He held his hand out to you, helping you to your feet once you accepted the gesture. "Let's get back to my place. This hedgehog's ready to catch some Z's."

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